Looking to do a favorites, then display favorites and be able to email

The final URL should be (assuming record 1 + 3 selected)
make sure there are no surrounding HTML tags like e.g.<p>
I really don't know why your editor is inserting the whole DOCTYPE stuff (what is Cocoa HTML Writer?)
</br><a href="http://bs.fractik.com/?bsound_app_voicelink___id[value]=<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
  <meta name="Generator" content="Cocoa HTML Writer">
  <meta name="CocoaVersion" content="1265.19">
  <style type="text/css">
    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; line-height: 20.0px; font: 15.0px Georgia; color: #141414; background-color: #f6f6f6}
<p class="p1">1,</p>
the article should return just 1,
Switch your editor to HTML mode to check this or better create a HTML template.
I made a blank html file and uploaded. I did not use any sort of generator for it. That must be something fabrik is doing otherwise I have no clue.

I put the preamble and postamble stuff as you said and thats all i have done. I did not do anything with a joomla article, only html file with nothing in it but the code you posted. I wonder if its creating the html stuff because its not in there. hmmm maybe ill do that and only put that code in the body of the file instead of blank html file with just the code, maybe that will change things...
Ok i edited the html file, took out doc type etc. and all the other crap in it.

I am now getting only a link of my favorites in the email.. which is great and i assume how it should work.

but i am getting an error when i click to view the link, see code here

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' 1,0) ) L' at line 37 SQL=SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT `bsound_app_voicelink`.`id` AS `bsound_app_voicelink___id`,
`bsound_app_voicelink`.`id` AS `bsound_app_voicelink___id_raw`,
`bsound_app_voicelink`.`date_time` AS `bsound_app_voicelink___date_time`,
`bsound_app_voicelink`.`date_time` AS `bsound_app_voicelink___date_time_raw`,
`bsound_app_voicelink`.`gender` AS `bsound_app_voicelink___gender_raw`,
`bsound_com_malefemale`.`gender` AS `bsound_app_voicelink___gender`,
`bsound_app_voicelink`.`name` AS `bsound_app_voicelink___name`,
`bsound_app_voicelink`.`name` AS `bsound_app_voicelink___name_raw`,
`bsound_app_voicelink`.`status` AS `bsound_app_voicelink___status_raw`,
`bsound_com_status`.`com_status` AS `bsound_app_voicelink___status`,
(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(lookup.com_category SEPARATOR '//..*..//') FROM bsound_app_voicelink_repeat_category
LEFT JOIN bsound_com_category AS lookup ON lookup.id = bsound_app_voicelink_repeat_category.category WHERE bsound_app_voicelink_repeat_category.parent_id = `bsound_app_voicelink`.`id`) AS bsound_app_voicelink___category,
(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(id SEPARATOR '//..*..//') FROM bsound_app_voicelink_repeat_category WHERE parent_id = `bsound_app_voicelink`.`id`) AS `bsound_app_voicelink___category_raw`, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(category SEPARATOR '//..*..//') FROM bsound_app_voicelink_repeat_category WHERE bsound_app_voicelink_repeat_category.parent_id = `bsound_app_voicelink`.`id`) AS bsound_app_voicelink___category_id,
(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(params SEPARATOR '//..*..//') FROM bsound_app_voicelink_repeat_category WHERE parent_id = `bsound_app_voicelink`.`id`) AS `bsound_app_voicelink___category___params`,
(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(lookup.com_characteristics SEPARATOR '//..*..//') FROM bsound_app_voicelink_repeat_characteristics
LEFT JOIN bsound_com_characteristics AS lookup ON lookup.id = bsound_app_voicelink_repeat_characteristics.characteristics WHERE bsound_app_voicelink_repeat_characteristics.parent_id = `bsound_app_voicelink`.`id`) AS bsound_app_voicelink___characteristics,
(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(id SEPARATOR '//..*..//') FROM bsound_app_voicelink_repeat_characteristics WHERE parent_id = `bsound_app_voicelink`.`id`) AS `bsound_app_voicelink___characteristics_raw`, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(characteristics SEPARATOR '//..*..//') FROM bsound_app_voicelink_repeat_characteristics WHERE bsound_app_voicelink_repeat_characteristics.parent_id = `bsound_app_voicelink`.`id`) AS bsound_app_voicelink___characteristics_id,
(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(params SEPARATOR '//..*..//') FROM bsound_app_voicelink_repeat_characteristics WHERE parent_id = `bsound_app_voicelink`.`id`) AS `bsound_app_voicelink___characteristics___params`,
`bsound_app_voicelink`.`commercial` AS `bsound_app_voicelink___commercial`,
`bsound_app_voicelink`.`commercial` AS `bsound_app_voicelink___commercial_raw`,
`bsound_app_voicelink`.`narrative` AS `bsound_app_voicelink___narrative`,
`bsound_app_voicelink`.`narrative` AS `bsound_app_voicelink___narrative_raw`,
`bsound_app_voicelink`.`political` AS `bsound_app_voicelink___political`,
`bsound_app_voicelink`.`political` AS `bsound_app_voicelink___political_raw`,
`bsound_app_voicelink`.`ethnic` AS `bsound_app_voicelink___ethnic`,
`bsound_app_voicelink`.`ethnic` AS `bsound_app_voicelink___ethnic_raw`,
`bsound_app_voicelink`.`test` AS `bsound_app_voicelink___test`,
`bsound_app_voicelink`.`test` AS `bsound_app_voicelink___test_raw`,
`bsound_app_voicelink`.`bookit` AS `bsound_app_voicelink___bookit`,
`bsound_app_voicelink`.`bookit` AS `bsound_app_voicelink___bookit_raw`,
`bsound_app_voicelink`.`id` AS slug
, `bsound_app_voicelink`.`id` AS `__pk_val`

FROM `bsound_app_voicelink`
LEFT JOIN `bsound_com_malefemale` AS `bsound_com_malefemale` ON `bsound_com_malefemale`.`id` = `bsound_app_voicelink`.`gender`
LEFT JOIN `bsound_com_status` AS `bsound_com_status` ON `bsound_com_status`.`id` = `bsound_app_voicelink`.`status`
WHERE ( `bsound_app_voicelink`.`id` IN ( 1,0) ) LIMIT 0, 10
Is there anyway to not display the text box on the email form popup? this way users can only enter an email address and nothing else...

I will have to take a look at it again. also it seems like the text box is very big and goes off the popup (having to scroll), but I assume I can manage that with some CSS to minimize that.
Ok. I see one issue and not sure how we can get around this. The way you have me doing this works great BUT.. I cannot add content for the email anywhere. If i do it doesn't work...

How can I add content?

I'd like it to look somewhat like this when it emails..


You have recieved this email because a colleague wanted to share their VoiceLink favorites with you. Please click on the link below to review the selected favorites they have picked out for you.

My Favorites (this will be a link)

The VoiceLink Staff
As far as I can see (I just learned this whole mail merge stuff) it is displayed this way:
Message in message field (you can insert text in the plugin, the user can modify this text)
text generated by selected php/html/article for every checked row (e.g. 1,5,7, in your case)

So you can insert into pre/post what you like but only above the </br> tag and after the </a> tag
Ah ok thats what i figured. Seems silly that I can do it in the article or html file. Kinda seems weird to me. but this will work for now.

ok thats great, works beautifully...

Another question is.. Can the modal popup be closed automatically when the email is sent? It shows sent, but its annoying to have to go and click the button to close the modal dialog box. Especially since it seems the CSS is currently not working so I cannot even see the X. Its been like that since I installed fabrik. Will be looking into that further tonight...
It should close automagically, and the CSS should work - just tested here, and it works for me. Which page is this on? I poked around on the site, didn't see a list with the email plugin on it. Although I'm kinda tired and my brain quit working about an hour ago, so I probably just missed something really obvious.

-- hugh
OK, something must have changed since I looked, as when I looked yesterday, the "Book it" finger icon was the last column on the list, there were no checkboxes or email icons.

Looking at it now.

-- hugh
Actually, I mis-spoke, it doesn't automatically close, and I'm not sure how to go about doing that. I had a quick dig through our window.js, and there's no obvious way to provide a callback which could be triggered. Although it may be possible by adding some magic to the response from the plugin after it has sent the mails. We keep the window open after submitting so we can show the response with the email success/fail feedback.

rob ?

As for the CSS / close box ... we're just using the standard Bootstrap icon-cancel and icon-remove-sign. The assumption in Fabrik 3.1 is that Bootstrap is present, as that was the J! roadmap for >= 3.1. Who knows if they've done a U-turn on that or not, I've lost track.

Anyway, not sure if your template is Bootstrap or not.

-- hugh
it has bootstrap but its a modified joomla installation via RocketTheme. So i wonder if they are over riding things that fabrik is using. Its actually gantry. gantry-framework.com....

but its ok i got majority of it figured out thanks to this forum. and i am working through the CSS to fix the rest.

And no worries about the automatic close for now, as long as i can get it to look ok the customer can live with that for now, but that may be a nice feature to add in the future.... also possibly to take it out of an iframe would be nice also.. iframes are kinda ancient in my mind...

thanks for the help once again.
They may be ancient, but iFrames have some distinct advantages. Our window.js class does support other methods, but until iFrames are deprecated, we'll continue to use them.

Yeah, RT tend to play it a little fast and loose with things like CSS and Javascript. We fought a two year battle with their templates loading a version of Mootools which was totally incompatible with J!'s version, to the poinmt of having to write a compatibility layer for Moo when running an RT template.

CSS wise, I presume you are aware you can include a custom_css.php in your Fabrik template folder, and use !important override stuff you need, without having to use a complete custom template.

-- hugh