make element colored according to status


I have a radiobutton elment called status which have sub options ( Received, Pending, On Hold, Completed )
i need when the user select status as received shows it as green button on list view and so on for Pending = orange color button, On Hold = Red color button , completed = blue color button ??

How i do this please

You should be able to do this with a css or less overwrite. Something like this works for me:
#mc_projectlist___status .btn-group{

And so on for the other options.
1) Check which form template you are using, Either bootstrap or bootstrap tabs I assume
2) Goto folder /components/com_fabrik/views/form/tmpl/bootstrap or bootstrap_tabs
3) Edit custom_css.php (If you don't have that file then copy custom_css_example.php to custom_css.php
4) Add following entry between BEGIN ..... END
#{$form} #mc_projectlist___status .btn-group {
    background-color: #FAFB2E;

in above code you need to replace:
mc_projectlist___status - With your field name of the button/radio group
fabrikgrid_1 - Which option you want to color differently when active
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