Missing File - en-GB.plg_content_fabrik.ini


Well-Known Member
The plugins/content/fabrik/language/en-GB/en-GB.plg_content_fabrik.ini (plugin language file for en-GB) is missing from the package at Github.

I would have fixed it first myself by copying from one of the other language files contained in the plugins/content/fabrik/language folder - But sorry, I'm an ignorant American and only know one language.

I realized this after doing a little research upon noticing (for months now) that a pop-up form always showed "COM_FABRIK_LOADING" above the spinner as the window loaded.

UPDATE - That didn't fix the problem I mentioned. Doing a search for all files containing "COM_FABRIK_LOADING" - I see there is another language file missing - components/com_fabrik/language/en_GB.com_fabrik.sys.ini
But that didn't fix it either.

So where could this "COM_FABRIK_LOADING" be coming from??? A *.js file? Or is it just that the expected language file never gets loaded for a popup form?
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Yes, there's no plugins/content/fabrik/language/en-GB/en-GB.plg_content_fabrik.ini in GitHub (or in transifex).
You can add it to your files (UTF8, no BOM) and insert the missing string

But I'm not sure if this will help, on my site I can see "Loading/Chargement/L?dt" in the form popup if setting my frontend language to English/French/German, so it seems to fetch it from somewhere else.

What is your exact setup to see COM_FABRIK_LOADING ?
What is your exact setup to see COM_FABRIK_LOADING ?

This is a cut and paste of the html that opens a pop-up form via the click of an icon image...
<a class="myFabWin" rel="{'content':'Survey Questions','width':660,'height':480,'title':'Physicians','loadMethod':'iframe'}" href="/other-survey-questions6"><img width="64" height="64" src="/images/medical-practice_80.png" alt="Physicians icon" title="Physicians" style="display: inline-block;margin-left:8px;"></a>
That link is created via this php code that is part of a loop that creates the links/icons for each 'facility type' and shows the icons/links in-line at the top of a page.
    $img_string .= '<a class="myFabWin" rel="{'content':'Survey Questions','width':660,'height':480,'title':''.$facility["facility_type"].'','loadMethod':'iframe'}" href="/other-survey-questions'.$facility["facility_type_id"].'"><img width="64" height="64" src="/images'.$facility["icon_image_file"].'" alt="'.$facility["facility_type"].' icon" title="'.$facility["facility_type"].'" style="display: inline-block;margin-left:8px;" /></a>';

FOLLOW-UP - If this helps:
One thing I noticed - if I remove the LoadMethod:iframe from the rel=, the COM_FABRIK_LOADING is only shown when the popup opens for the first time. If you close the popup window and re-open it again with the same popup link - it shows 'Loading' correctly.

But if I leave LoadMethod:iframe in the rel=, it will always show COM_FABRIK_LOADING when the popup opens.
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That string should be loaded as part of the main FabrikHelperHTML::framework(), but it seems that it's inside the !inAjaxLoadPage() chunk of code, which won't run when &iframe=1 (as that counts as "in ajax loaded page")

You could try moving that JText::script() around line 975 of the HTML helper to before the if(), see if that helps.

-- hugh
That string should be loaded as part of the main FabrikHelperHTML::framework(), but it seems that it's inside the !inAjaxLoadPage() chunk of code, which won't run when &iframe=1 (as that counts as "in ajax loaded page")

You could try moving that JText::script() around line 975 of the HTML helper to before the if(), see if that helps.

-- hugh
Well you knew just what line it was coming from - that's more than I could figure out. But nothing I did (short of deleting the line) changed it.

The page that this link is on is part of a component that I wrote years ago. I needed to add COM_FABRIK_LOADING to that component's language file and now it works.

Don't know why I didn't think of trying that sooner, sorry.
Thanks to both you and troester for the quick reply.
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