• Holiday Schedule

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  • A new version of Full Calendar is now available.

    See the details here

Missing icon in print button



In the popup window the print button has nothing inside, no icon, no text although the print button on the Form is correct:upload_2020-3-23_20-20-28.png

Any idea?


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I can't replicate.
Is it a standard Fabrik template or a custom one?
Frontend, backend? Joomla template?
Hi @troester

It's the template 'shaper Helix II', on frontend, I found a workaround, I modified the CSS in the detail form and I add:
.contentpane .fabrikPrintIcon ::before{
content: "Imprimer"!important;
This way I have a text inside the button (it doesn't work when I put it in custom.css)

If you have a better idea...