mod_fabrik_list - shows wrong title?


New Member

Am I correct to notice that mod_fabrik_list shows chosen form's title instead the title from module.

This small bug does not allow you to make multi language modules connected to one form. If you want to show title of the module on the website you are forced to display the one from List and not what I type in the module itself.

I tried to replace <h3><?php echo $this->table->label;?></h3> with <h3><?php echo $module->title; ?></h3> but this doesn't work.

Any idea?
I'm a little confused. In your description, you are mixing "form title" and "list title", so I'm not sure if you mean that a List module is showing the associated Form's title, instead of the List title?

Do the various combinations of the main Module "Show Title" and the Advanced "Show Title" option, not work? It sounds like what you are saying is that module "Show Title" set to Yes, and the advanced "Show Title" for the list itself, is not working as expected?

Please confirm exactly which settings you have, and what you are expecting versus what you are seeing, and I'll do some testing.

-- hugh
Sorry I did look at this but forgot to update the thread.

From what I can see both modules correctly display the title as you would expect.

I think what you may be experiencing is the title of the Fabrik List or Form which can be switched off. For lists you need to look in the layout section and set Show title to No. The form would be a similiar procedure.

That is at least what I think may be happening.
Both titles (module title, list title) can be switched on and off independently on my site.
troester: What you mean is that you can either see module's title or list's title yes ?

I will check it then with stock template to see where is the problem.

Thank you for checking the case.
Yes, setting module title ("Show title show/hide) and list title (Show title drop down in Advanced option Yes/no) I can see all possible combinations of both titles.

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