Need to translate into French

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I now need to provide the ability for my client to translate his content into French. All is going well for the general Joomla stuff, using Joomfish, but I am not sure where to start for Fabrik. At present, I get "Veuillez choisir" instead of "Please choose" and "Vue" instead of "View", but nothing else is translated.
Is there an up to date 'how to' for 1.0.4? Or can you give me some clear guidance? That would be much appreciated.
There should already be a French translation in the 1.04 distribution, which should just automagically get used if you have set Joomla to 'french'.

Then there are the Joomfish element definitions.

Check in your admin com_fabrik folder, in the 'language' and 'contentelements-joomfish' folders.

-- hugh
Ok, I think that because I installed Joomfish after Fabrik, that I was missing the contentelement xml files.

Having uploaded the latest SVN contentelements-joomfish xml files to "administrator/components/com_joomfish/contentelements/" I now have the labels for the table figured out.

I find that some of the structure around the table is not translated - Start/Previous/Next/End, Add Listing, Display, Results n-nn of nn, Check All - I don't know where these get defined, they don't seem to appear in any of the Joomfish options.

Elsewhere in the Joomla site, where I have a list of FAQs, it gets translated to Debut/Precedente/Suivante/Fin and so on - so Fabrik isn't using the same definitions..... so what do I have to do to change them?

Secondly: I gather from an earlier posting from Rob regarding the content, I will need to add an extra element for the new language and then use my custom template to display it, but what do I need to look at to know which language has been chosen?

Thanks for your help guys, it would be great if I could get this wrapped up before Xmas.....
We may be able to solve the pagenav stuff. Up till recently we were using the standard Joomla backend routines for building pagenav, which didn't provide any language support. But recently we reimplemented it with our own pagenav code (basically we just ripped off the Joomla code, LOL!) ... so we now have scope to change that stuff, and language-ify it. I'll add a ticket on this, so it doesn't drop off our radar. Can't promise I'll get it done before Christmas tho.

I'll have to leave the contentelement question to someone who knows what they are talking about!

-- hugh
Hi guys,
a) can you let me know if/when the pagenav stuff is /will be fixed
b) can Rob give me some guidance on translating the content - what variable is it that I need to check before deciding which language element to display?
Happy New Year!

Hi Belinda

The translation should be added to the SVN now. Please let me know if I've missed some out. For the pagenav fabrik now uses the same translation as Joomla.
For some of the other text your requested the ability to translate for, you will need to edit administrator/components/com_fabrik/language/french.php

and replace

define("EMAILONEDIT", "Send email when editing record");
define("EMAILONEDITDESC", "If no selected then emails and receipts will only be sent when a new record is entered into th form, If yes selected the emails are sent when creating AND/OR editing a record");
define("FORMSCROLLNAV", "Include scroll navigation");
define("FORMSCROLLNAVDESC", "If selected then a first|previous|next|last navigation menu will be added to the bottom of your form or read only view. Clicking on thees buttons will, via an ajax call, allow you to scroll through records. Note forms are NOT saved when using the navigation");
define("DISABLEELEMENT", "Disable element");
define("DISABLEELEMENTDESC", "Completely disable the element, user not allowed to change the value, and data NOT submitted with the form");
define("READONLY", "Read only");
define("READONLYDESC", "Display the element as normal, but disallow the user to change the value. The field IS submitted with the form");
define("_NO_RECORDS_FOUND", "No records found");
define("_SUBSCRIBE_RSS", "Subscribe RSS");
define("_SEARCH", "Search");
define("_CHECK_ALL", "Check All");
define("_GO", "Go");

with the relevant french

For your second question I think you are asking how to translate the content shown inside a fabrik table?
I've spent this afternoon sorting this out:

first of all you need to update to the latest version of the svn (rev 563)
You also need Joomfish installed
Edit the fabrik table you want to translate (for this example lets say the fabrik table is called 'test translations' and its database table's called 'jos_fabrik_formdata_1'
you should now see a new option on the left of the edit table form, called 'Allow translation of data'.
Set this to 'yes' and press save.
Fabrik should now create an xml file here administrator/components/com_joomfish/contentelements/fabrik-jos_fabrik_formdata_1.xml
You should now be able to go into joomfish and in the translation section in the 'Content elements' drop down should be listed an entry called 'fabrik - test translations', selecting this and a language will show you all the fabrik records ready to be translated

let me know if that works for you

Hi Rob,
Thanks for working on this.

I have got as far as being able to find the elements to translate in joomfish. However when I go to add a translation, I should see the original language text, but nothing displays. If I enter new text in the translation area and save it, nothing happens. On clicking Apply it indicates 'Translation Saved', but nothing actually appears to be saved, as no text is displayed (in joomfish or anywhere else)

I'm still getting 'Add Listing' 'Search', 'Go' and Check All' in English, even though I have found the text for the last three in french.php and changed them.

The page navigation IS working though!

Hi Berlinda

However when I go to add a translation, I should see the original language text, but nothing displays.

hmm thats not what i see here. could you double check that you have got the latest files from the SVN and uploaded all of them to your site.
If that doesnt fix it can you pm me with login details to your site so i can take a look please?

I'm still getting 'Add Listing' 'Search', 'Go' and Check All' in English, even though I have found the text for the last three in french.php and changed them.

are you using a custom template? If so the template formatting has changed to accommodate those translations. In your table templates anywhere where you have 'Add Listing' 'Search', 'Go' and Check All' replace that text with

<?php echo _ADD_RECORD;?>
<?php echo _SEARCH;?>
<?php echo _GO;?>
<?php echo _CHECK_ALL;?>
Thanks Rob, I've updated the template and fixed those fields.
Have checked and all my files seem to be up to date, so have sent you a PM, I'd be grateful if you can find out what the problem is.
hi Berlinda

Ive taken a look and fixed the issue (it was a bug in the code, caused by the fact that the id element wasnt shown in the table view, which meant that the translation xml file didnt contain a reference to it)

Just for your information

Franch language is working fine on my website. (well except for some buttons labels but i've found where to correct that)
Hi Rob,
I still have some problems.

I can enter translation for the elements now and it is saved, but I cannot Publish a translation in Joomfish unless I have also translated one of the elements which is set to Display in Table View (which should not be necessary).

The translation does not show up in the Form view at all, even for those elements which are displayed correctly in the Table view - and of course, that's where I need it :(

Hope this is a simple fix,
The translation wont be possible for the data shown inside the form elements, as Joomfish stores the translated data in completely separate tables to the fabrik database tables.

If you showed the translated content in the fabrik form, and saved it - it would overwrite your english content!

I've updated the svn code so that read only views of the data contain the translated text, although Im not sure that sovles your problem?

OK, now I'm not so confused. When we spoke the other day you were talking about translating data, and I couldn't for the life of me work out how that would work when editing form data. Which apparently it doesn't. Which clears up my confusion!

-- hugh
Well, I'm confused now. I am not trying to translate the data when editing the form. I want to display the translated data in the detailed view of the table.
If you go to
and the last entry Testing Testing, you will see what I mean. The 'Common Name' field has been translated so that if you switch to French it shows 'version francais' in that field. If you click on Vue you get a read only view of the data - but now the translated field shows in English (but the labels and drop down values are in French - where they have been translated).

It doesn't make sense to me that I can see the translated information in the table, but if I click on View, then I go back to the original language.....

I seem to be so nearly able to do what I want, in that I can now access the data in Joomfish and I can see the data in the Table view (if I choose to display it), so it is definitely saved somewhere. Now I need to know how to show this data in the detailed view, along with the rest of the translated stuff.

Alternatively, if that won't work, then I go back to my earlier question - if I create a new element for the French description (which is the only field I am really going to need to change), how do I figure out which data to display in the detailed view - i.e. what variable do I need to look at to know which language is being used?

One other small point - within the Joomfish translation view it offers the element time_date to be translated. Surely this should only be used by the system?

Thanks for your help,
According to Rob's last reply, the Read Only table view should now be translated. Are you running the latest SVN?

-- hugh
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