Pre-filter on Fabrikar 3.x


New Member
Is there something wrong with the pre-filter in version 3?it seems that it doesnt work anymore when i upgraded to version 3
Prefilters are working in Fabrik3.
1. Can you see your prefilters in your lists after the upgrade?
2. ACL handling has totally changed in Joomla2.5 (e.g. access levels are not longer hierachical). So you'll have to adapt the "Apply to" settings
Is there something wrong with the pre-filter in version 3?it seems that it doesnt work anymore when i upgraded to version 3

You may have run into a fairly serious bug that was introduced recently and then swiftly corrected. The bug was that all pre-filters in the list settings were removed. This was corrected and pre-filters are working just fine. You could try updating from Github again to see if that fixes your problem.