Problem Fabrik: scheduled tasks

What do you have error_reporting set to?
If that is the case then there must be something setting error reporting on the fly, otherwise the deprecated warnings would not get logged. Do you have any ini_set calls in your custom code anywhere? Or in your .htaccess
If that is the case then there must be something setting error reporting on the fly, otherwise the deprecated warnings would not get logged. Do you have any ini_set calls in your custom code anywhere? Or in your .htaccess
.htaccess is the normal Joomla one and I don't have any custom code.
Fabrikdebug is enabled.
I enabled again the Scheduled task and the fabrik log started to be flooded again.
Message type: plg.cron.php
16384,Joomla\CMS\Factory::getDbo() is deprecated. Load the database from the dependency injection container.,/home/xxx/xxxx/libraries/src/Factory.php,458
Which issues? I pushed it to the next release, maybe I have to fix something?
@troester It was my bad. I typed wrongnly :rolleyes: adding one more parenthesis and that caused the issues.
I made all the changes as u indicated and now I get less warnings in the fabrik_log DB table.

I get also this one:

16384,Since joomla/event 2.0.0: Not passing an event object to Joomla\Event\Dispatcher::dispatch() is deprecated, as of 3.0 the $event argument will be required.,/home/xxx/xxx/libraries/vendor/symfony/deprecation-contracts/function.php,25
Symphony forces these deprecation notices whether you have error_reporting set or not. The purpose is to allow devs to track them down. Not sure whether we need to do anything about them at this point.
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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