re: Layout default_group_labels_above not found



I've just subscribed to the Silver membership and not sure of the process here.

I have been having difficulties with templates as described in this thread:

When I started the system this morning, I got a different variant on the template behaviour. At this point, I would like to have someone with experience look at my system to ensure it is set up correctly. Given my experiences over the past couple of weeks, I'm either missing something, have something in there that I shouldn't have or simply did not configure it properly.

Can I verify this is for Joomla 3.0?

Send a PM with your details to Rob and Hugh and update this thread when you have done so.
my bad. I was up late watching the Australian Open and at 6 AM in no condition to think.

The layout problem vanished but now, grouping in lists is not working properly.

I can group a list but it does not collapse as expected. At some point, for some reason it will and then will not expand.

As well, the ItemEdit, View, Delete is missing.

I've removed the login details form that post, as it seems to be the backend super admin.

Although now I'm screwed, as I'm logged in on thebackend, but not the front end, and LastPass won't tell me, and I can't remember what it was.

Anyway ... I can replicate the "groups not opening and closing" thing on the backend of my site, it's something to do with the Floatingtips class not being defined, which short circuits the list init handling in JavaScript. Works on the front end OK.

Looking in to it now.

-- hugh
OK, I'll have to punt this one to Rob, as it's something to do with the new 'require' JS stuff.

Rob - it looks like tipsBootStrapMock is in the require.config(), but that file is never getting included on the backend.

baseUrl: '',
paths: {
fab : 'media/com_fabrik/js',
element : 'plugins/fabrik_element',
list : 'plugins/fabrik_list',
form : 'plugins/fabrik_form',
cron : 'plugins/fabrik_cron',
viz : 'plugins/fabrik_visualization',
admin : 'administrator/components/com_fabrik/views'},
shim: {"fab\/fabrik-min":{"deps":["fab\/mootools-ext-min","fab\/lib\/Event.mock","fab\/tipsBootStrapMock-min"]},"fab\/window-min":{"deps":["fab\/fabrik"]},"fab\/elementlist-min":{"deps":["fab\/fabrik-min","fab\/element-min"]},"fab\/list-min":{"deps":["fab\/fabrik-min","fab\/listfilter-min","fab\/advanced-search-min","fab\/encoder-min"]}}

... whereas the exact same require.config() on the front end does include it.

-- hugh
ok I *think* I have fixed this in github in the joomla3 branch.
The issue occurs only if you have Joomla debug turned off. When its off we load minified versions of our js files.
However, the require js shim (the bit that says if you load form.js then you must load fabrik.js, foo.js and bar.js before hand) and the actual requirejs() call to load in the js files were not matching up - some were loading -min files and some weren't - hence the js errors.
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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