Selecting colums for list pdf

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Active Member
Here is another would be great that user can select colums to print out in list pdf...something like cvs export.

Can be done just modifying list template?
If you have a set of layouts you can use multiple Fabrik list menus with different "Show in list" settings.

You can build "dynamic" list columns with URL params like
where 1705 etc are the element ids
So you can e.g. create a search form to collect the element ids and redirect to the list

In the content plugin you can do {... elements= 1705|1706 ...} but it seems as URL this short version is not doing.
I made a new form with a Yes/No element for each column. By selecting Y/N is generated link with URL params like option = com_fabrik & view = list & listid = 175 & fabrik_show_in_list [] = 1705 & fabrik_show_in_list [] = 1706. Also works fine with filters.

In List settings I heve set Rows per page to 15. I get ony 15 rows although should be more than 15 lines. Sure I can set to dispay 50/100 row but....

It is possible to override No. row setting in template?
In URL put e.g. &limitstartX=0&limitX=500
X = list id

But be aware that with a lot of records it may hit runtime or memory limits.
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