Show and hide checkboxes since Dropdown

I have 2 elements:

fab_proyecto___linea (dropdown element)

fab_proyecto___servicio (checkbox element)

I need to hide all checkbox elements by default when the form load.

But when I select on dropdown option only show some checkbox.

For example, if I select Transito dropdown option checkbox TUPA and Capacitacion must show in the form.

I published the same post in Joomla 2.5 community forum but it is in wrong forum. I have Joomla 3x and the last Fabrik version.

Thanks for your help

Francisco R

You'll have to write some js script to do so.
Other way without programming is to to use cascading drop down element rendered as checkbox.
Thus, each time you change the first dropdown (which has to be a DBjoin element rendered as dropdown), it'll load the right checkbox choice according to the main element selected.
But this means you have to set a specific table to fill your drop down, the checkbox values and the relationship between.
Other way without programming is to to use cascading drop down element rendered as checkbox.
Thus, each time you change the first dropdown (which has to be a DBjoin element rendered as dropdown), it'll load the right checkbox choice according to the main element selected.
But this means you have to set a specific table to fill your drop down, the checkbox values and the relationship between.
Actually, I think that using CDD is a better idea. It means that the relationships between the dropdown value and the checkboxes shown is stored in a database table which is easily changed rather than in the element javascript which is more obscure.
Actually, I think that using CDD is a better idea. It means that the relationships between the dropdown value and the checkboxes shown is stored in a database table which is easily changed rather than in the element javascript which is more obscure.
CDD works fine.

Thanks, again, Sophist.

You are great!

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