Show extra form field depending on checkbox


New Member
Trying to make a simple form whereby if user accepts quote and agrees to terms (by clicking checkbox) then further fields appear below.
I've tried using the built in JS to show fields on 'click' or change but this doesnt seem to work.
I can get it to 'kinda' work using hide fields if checkbox not checked.
BUT, only does it once, then if user checks or unchecks box again nothing changes.
Any ideas?
The field you want to show must be "there" and hidden via JS, you must hide it "onLoad", then you can show it again on click.
And you need one JS for showing on click, one for hiding again onclick.

The actions must be symmetric, so hide/show, fadeout/fadein etc.
Thanks Troester
Ah, I get it now!
So where does the original JS to hide onload go, in the element I want to hide or the element affecting the hide/show?
Is it possible to do this with a whole group of elements instead of just one?
The element affecting the hide/show.
Yes, you can hide/show elements or groups. In the "Element" dropdown you can select both (so the label is a bit misleading)
Scrub that. sussed it! I had the hide set to fade out..

One more daft question, is there a way to do the same with the submit button?
Thanks, i'll have a look at that
Do these functions to hide elements also work in multipart forms to hide groups etc?
Take a look at the "Element" dropdown under predefined actions, you'll also find groups there.
Thanks, but dont think I explained that part correctly

So, let's say I have a multi part form, each part has its own group.

Is it still possible to hide certain groups depending on control element?
Great, thanks for all the help =)
So, I got the second part of form to hide
But still shows the prev and next buttons, again, is there a way to hide?
Thank you again. That's exactly what I need to solve the problem of customer flow!

One last thing, how do I place a submit button on specific tabs in a multi part form?
I better explain that better...

I have an inital form to make with basic info..

Then user needs to be able to select 2 options.

Depending on the option I'll hide or show the relevant tab, which needs a submit button