Spam form submission best practices?


Active Member
Can anyone give suggestions on what their own Fabrik best practices are to stop or thwart spam submissions? It seems just setting up Captcha isn't enough anymore since a number of my client sites are getting hit with it daily.
I've tried Google and Fabrik, neither has stopped them. Thats why I was hoping to hear other's experience.
Have you tried a honeypot? (regarding GDPR I'M trying cut of all Google services...)
Interesting idea, how would that look for public website? I'm guessing it would be a separate list/form? How would I push a spammer to the honeypot vs the live form?
Create a hidden field and do a validation (e.g. if it is empty). Users don't see this field and can't enter any data. Crawlers will find this field and enter some data and the form submission will fail..
Well first test with a honeypot didn't make a difference. Spam still got through. It appears to me that most spam submissions are being submitted by people not bots.

Other suggestions?
If it's from people you can't catch it this way.

You can require a valid email address (isemail validation) and/or check for blacklisted IPs or emails via a php form plugin.
I've already turned on MX verification and isemail on the email field. Suggestions on how to setup blacklisted IP checking?

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