Strange text field behaviour


Active Member
As I want to use another Joomla Gallery plugin in my forms I created a simple text field where I enter the necessary plugin call -> {gallery}some/path{/gallery}
This works and I see the gallery in the form, but as soon as I edit the form again the content of the field changes to ->{gallery}some/path{/gallery}some/path{/gallery}
The next edit results in -> {gallery}some/path{/gallery}some/path{/gallery}some/path{/gallery}some/path{/gallery}

This does mean with every edit the part after the first occurence of {gallery} is duplicated.

This happens till the max characters are reached. Can this be avoided with some text field settings?
Still don't know why the tail of the plugin call is duplicated each time the form content is edited.

But at least I have found a workaround, which also has the advantage of easier editing of the form content. I now just use a text field (named subfolder) which contains the subfolder name of the gallery location and a calc field to perform the gallery call.
The content of the calc field:
return '{'.'gallery'.'}'.'rootfolder/'.'{list___subfolder}'.'{/gallery}';
Important to handle the curly brackets at the beginning as substrings.