Tag element broken after update



I've updated fabrik on a website with today's github. And now the tag element in my form isn't working anymore as it was before.

I looked at the tag element. It was blank (so joomla default tag table then?) and also tried with the table that was created before: fab_releases___repeat_genre
But then i get an error:

500 Fabrik has generated an incorrect query for the list Releases: <br /><br /><pre>Unknown column 'lookup.title' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS `fab_releases`.`id` AS `fab_releases___id`, `fab_releases`.`id` AS `fab_releases___id_raw`, `fab_releases`.`date_time` AS `fab_releases___date_time`, `fab_releases`.`date_time` AS `fab_releases___date_time_raw`, `fab_releases`.`artwork` AS `fab_releases___artwork`, `fab_releases`.`artwork` AS `fab_releases___artwork_raw`, `fab_releases`.`release_date` AS `fab_releases___release_date`, `fab_releases`.`release_date` AS `fab_releases___release_date_raw`, `fab_releases`.`title` AS `fab_releases___title`, `fab_releases`.`title` AS `fab_releases___title_raw`, `fab_releases`.`label_id` AS `fab_releases___label_id_raw`, `fab_labels`.`name` AS `fab_releases___label_id`, `fab_releases`.`artist_id` AS `fab_releases___artist_id_raw`, `fab_artists`.`name` AS `fab_releases___artist_id`, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(lookup.title SEPARATOR '//..*..//') FROM fab_releases_repeat_genre LEFT JOIN fab_releases_repeat_genre AS lookup ON lookup.id = fab_releases_repeat_genre.genre WHERE fab_releases_repeat_genre.parent_id = `fab_releases`.`id`) AS fab_releases___genre, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(id SEPARATOR '//..*..//') FROM fab_releases_repeat_genre WHERE parent_id = `fab_releases`.`id`) AS `fab_releases___genre_raw`, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(genre SEPARATOR '//..*..//') FROM fab_releases_repeat_genre WHERE fab_releases_repeat_genre.parent_id = `fab_releases`.`id`) AS fab_releases___genre_id, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(params SEPARATOR '//..*..//') FROM fab_releases_repeat_genre WHERE parent_id = `fab_releases`.`id`) AS `fab_releases___genre___params`, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(lookup.format SEPARATOR '//..*..//') FROM fab_releases_repeat_format_id LEFT JOIN fab_formats AS lookup ON lookup.id = fab_releases_repeat_format_id.format_id WHERE fab_releases_repeat_format_id.parent_id = `fab_releases`.`id`) AS fab_releases___format_id, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(id SEPARATOR '//..*..//') FROM fab_releases_repeat_format_id WHERE parent_id = `fab_releases`.`id`) AS `fab_releases___format_id_raw`, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(format_id SEPARATOR '//..*..//') FROM fab_releases_repeat_format_id WHERE fab_releases_repeat_format_id.parent_id = `fab_releases`.`id`) AS fab_releases___format_id_id, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(params SEPARATOR '//..*..//') FROM fab_releases_repeat_format_id WHERE parent_id = `fab_releases`.`id`) AS `fab_releases___format_id___params`, `fab_releases`.`catalogue` AS `fab_releases___catalogue`, `fab_releases`.`catalogue` AS `fab_releases___catalogue_raw`, `fab_releases`.`description` AS `fab_releases___description`, `fab_releases`.`description` AS `fab_releases___description_raw`, `fab_releases`.`tracklist` AS `fab_releases___tracklist`, `fab_releases`.`tracklist` AS `fab_releases___tracklist_raw`, `fab_releases`.`soundcloud` AS `fab_releases___soundcloud`, `fab_releases`.`soundcloud` AS `fab_releases___soundcloud_raw`, CONCAT_WS(':', `fab_releases`.`id`, `fab_releases`.`title`) AS slug , `fab_releases`.`id` AS `__pk_val` FROM `fab_releases` LEFT JOIN `fab_artists` AS `fab_artists` ON `fab_artists`.`id` = `fab_releases`.`artist_id` LEFT JOIN `fab_labels` AS `fab_labels` ON `fab_labels`.`id` = `fab_releases`.`label_id` ORDER BY `fab_releases`.`release_date` DESC LIMIT 0, 9</pre>
I also tried it locally on a test install i have.
I added a new tags element.
Selected no table (so default)
Again I get a blank field where I can't type anything

I tried to add a tag in the normal joomla tag component to see if that then comes up in the fabrik tag element in the form but that stays empty too.

I then checked if it would work when i select the tag-table manually in the element but that also didn't do anything.

Tried both to see if it read anything, it doesn't but can't add options at all either.
I can't replicate exactly your issues.

But I see issues, too:
I can add new tags (no matter if tags element is using it's own list or the default (blank) one) and Joomla (an article) is seeing them (in case of #__tags table).

But the tags aren't found anymore in a Fabrik form afterwards. If you are typing it's only showing (greayed out) the tags already present in the tags field (and only if they are matching "begins with"), it doesn't search/find the tags in the DB table.
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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