text clour


New Member
hi all,
i am using 1.0.4b.
my form tamplate is bluesky and bluesky text's colour is white in frontend,
how can i change text colour?
You can do this with a combination of custom templates and CSS, for an example look in the com_fabrik/tmpl directories of your component.

If you do not already know about firebug i would also point that out to you, can be quite helpful and not just for fabrik related stuff. Talked to several of the Joomla Core Devs just today at Linuxworld and they are all using it. Its much nicer than sliced bread and can save lots of time, its a extension for firefox.

Use it to frequent to count at this point. If you do a fair amount of Joomla customizations and css type of work its going to become your favorite tool. give you line numbers and even allows you to do edits on the fly, granted they are just local and not server side but allows you to test stuff out before doing it server side.

Hope that is helpful to someone. ;D