Thumbs plugin not working (infinity loading)


New Member
Thumbs plugin not working (infinite loading)

Hi everybody,
I'm using Fabrik 3.6 last Github Update, thumbs element plugin from last github, joomla 2.5 last update.

When i try to use this element all i get is the loading circle image running forever, don't know what to change as the plugin has no options.

Found same error on
But can't use the same solution as my joomla is 2.5 and my fabrik 3

5 star rating plugin seems not to be able to run javascript too.

Please help, Thank you in advance
I've applied one small fix for a different issue I noticed when testing for this, where lists weren't displaying any thumbs at all if the element had no data ... so adding a thumbs element to a form that had existing rows, you didn't get any thumbs at all on the list.

However, I'm unable to replicate the issue you rasied, as clicking on the thumbs in either list or details view seems to work OK for me.

Can you point me at your page?

-- hugh
It's probably the same issue, some bitrot in the code.

But it's coming up 5am here, and I need to get some sleep.

Can you bump this thread some time tomorrow, and I'll take a look then.

-- hugh
friendly bump as requested:

Small bugs i found are:

Thumbs Plugin:
- in detailed view onmouseover thumbs icons aren't visualized
- even if the access of the element is set on 'Registered users' also guests can vote clicking on thumbs icons
- The date and the hour of the vote aren't memorized in the database

5 stars rating plugin:
- js is not working immediatly after voting: result is showed in a blank page

It is possible to get the total number of votes in each line of the list and to show it into a new column (for example in a row with 2 thumbs up and 1 thumb down add a new column containing the result number "1")?
Okay I can confirm a few things wacky with the thumbs plugin.

I'll list out my findings as it may help debugging.

Thumbs Backend

When creating a new record an error appears.

Notice:  Undefined index: thumbsandratings___thumbs in \plugins\fabrik_element\thumbs\thumbs.php on line 203

Thumbs Frontend

When creating a new record nothing appears and no error messages.

Thumbs appear and look okay in list view once you have created a record, (which obviously has to be done via the backend at the moment).

EDIT:- Thumbs display in detail view but not in form view.

Also I can confirm the access permissions are not correct. If you set the element as registered or above a public member can still vote.


I can see what you mean now, this happens in list view. When clicking on a rating a new page is displayed with the rating number. Form view seems to be working okay.
It is possible to get the total number of votes in each line of the list and to show it into a new column (for example in a row with 2 thumbs up and 1 thumb down add a new column containing the result number "1")?
And for the question.... You could probably do this is via a calc or display element. I would imagine the display element would be the one to use otherwise you are storing the same data twice.

Create a display element, click yes on Eval and paste in the box below something like

return '{[B][COLOR=Red]thumbsandratings[/COLOR][/B]___[B][COLOR=Blue]thumbs[/COLOR][/B]_raw}';

Where thumbsandratings is your list name.

thumbs is your element name.

_raw needs to be at the end.

I think this is what you want.
Thank you very much it is working.
Could you just tell me if the bugs i listed before, such as the user access problem, are infact bugs or if those problems depends on me and my system?
Thanks again
Yes I believe you are correct about the access issue so I'll update my original post.

As per
The date and the hour of the vote aren't memorized in the database
- I don't believe this was ever the case. As far as I know all it does is store the numeric number in the database. So if 100 people vote yes and 50 people vote no it will only show an upvote of 50 and will not tell you that 50 people downvoted. I could be wrong though, that's just how I'm under the impression it works.
As for the date: i just discovered in phpmyadmin there was a column in fabrik_thumbs called "date_created" and every record has this column filled with a "0000-00-00 00:00:00". It seems it doesn't store the date correctly in the db

Sorry i can't help with the access problem, my php skills are not appropriated, do you think it will be fixed soon? I think the only way i can help is buying a bronze license in order to contribute
Can we restrict this to just the thumbs plugin, till we get all those issues resolved?

Looking at the access control thing now.

OBTW ...

EDIT:- Thumbs display in detail view but not in form view.

That is intentional. We don't render the thumbs element in form view, only on detail and list views. Even if we did, we'd have to disable it in 'new' forms, as there would be no rowid to use as the key in the thumbs table, as the row in the target table doesn't exist until after a form has been submitted.

-- hugh
Can we restrict this to just the thumbs plugin, till we get all those issues resolved?

Looking at the access control thing now.

OBTW ...

EDIT:- Thumbs display in detail view but not in form view.

That is intentional. We don't render the thumbs element in form view, only on detail and list views. Even if we did, we'd have to disable it in 'new' forms, as there would be no rowid to use as the key in the thumbs table, as the row in the target table doesn't exist until after a form has been submitted.

(Which is why it's tossing an error on the backend when creating a form, as for some reason it's not detecting that it's in form view, and is trying to assign a non-existent rowid)

-- hugh