• Joomla 5.1

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Transfer a lsit incl. elements, form etc to a new website


New Member
I want to transfer a list with its form, group and elements to another web. Up to now; i found only the export of a table (or its data) to a csv file, which results in the loss of formatting. Is there a practical way to export the table's format (even without data) to a new joomla web (which already contains the fabrik extension)?

Let's assume I have a list "mytable" with 3 elements (mytable1, 2, 3), I might export everything from phpmyadmin:
the list mytable itself
and the appropriate datasets in fabrik_forms, fabrik_elements, fabrik_groups, fabrik_lists, fabrik_joins?

If I import these mysql datasets in the new wbsite, will I get a replica of mytable list with all formattings in the new site?

Is there an easier way for this kind of transfer?

If you update from github then the package section of Fabrik might help.

You can create a package and select which lists/forms you want to include in it.
Then you can select the package and press the 'export' button, this will create an installable zip - which you can download.

Then on your second site, you can use Joomla's installer to install this zip.

It installs as a separate component, but using the same engine as your main Fabrik installation. So making menu links for example, you would not select Fabrik -> lists, but 'Your component name' -> lists.

It does not add the list/form/element info to the #__fabrik_xxxxxx tables, but creates its own copy of the tables.

In fabrik's admin pages, you will see an additional 'package' dropdown, to toggle between the main fabrik installation and the installed package.

I've tested this for simple import/exports but its a feature that has been in alpha for a long time and could do with more people testing it with more complex set ups.

woops forgot that this is the Fabrik 3.1 forum!
The changes I've made are in Fabrik 3.0, they'll appear in Fabrik 3.1s branch when I get to merge in the 3.0 changes.
