Update a field in a 2nd table on submit


New Member
Hi all, having a brain issue when it comes to updating a field in a secondary table when a form is submitted. Essentially I have a "property" table and a "property_wof" table, a user can perform a Warrant of Fitness (WOF) on their property listing in "property" if they choose to. Data for this WOF is stored in the "property_wof" table, along with the appropriate property ID. I would like to update a field (property_wof_complete) on the "property" table with "yes" or "no" depending on whether they have completed the wof procedure. The object of the exercise is to only allow the wof's to be performed on properties that have not had one yet - I can then load the form field for property selection with a WHERE property_wof_complete = no/NULL, and ignore the properties that have already completed the form. TIA for any help. Running latest Joomla and latest Fabrik.
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You could either roll your own PHP submission plugin, or you could probably do it with the 'upsert' form plugin on property_wof.

-- hugh
Cheers buddy, was hunting around for a native solution that didn't exist! :) Will try this upsert plugin, sounds interesting!
It's not part of the core, so you'll either have to download it (from our downloads page) and install it, or (if you've ever done a github update) "discover" it in J!'s extension manager.

Read all the tooltips in the plugin settings, and the wiki page.

-- hugh

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