vBulletin doesn't want to talk to me


New Member
I have subscribed to about 5 topics but even though new messages are posted there, and my profile for each is that I be sent "instant email notification", vBulletin doesn't send me any emails.

This makes it a pain to find out who has responded to what and I am sure I am missing replys. I don't want to do this, of course, when somebody has tried to help me.

I have changed my email address in my profile to see if the problem is occuring somewhere out in cyberspace, and I will test this by setting this message to "instant" before I post.

Failing that, I need someone to post a message in here to show me its working, tell me what I am doing wrong or to twiddle the knobs at that end please... :eek:

Well you fixed the 'no notice of posting' problem, but you must have had a tinker elswhere while you were in there. Now the system changes all my capitlization into lowercase and the smiley's are gone!
