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WYSIWYG Editor issues on Form

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Staff member
This problem was reported under Fabrik 3 testing, but since that forum is now closed I am reporting it again here as it is still not fixed as of the github a few moments ago.

I am using JCE and when I place a WYSIWYG editor on the form it does not span the width of the form (even if I set the width to a higher value) and the icons at the bottom of the editor do not show, only the text value shows.

Please see the attached image.


  • editor.jpg
    53.1 KB · Views: 362
Width wise, I think the width in the element settings is only applicable to the non-WYWIWYG display, as settings on a standard textarea. You'd probably have to apply some custom CSS styling, although i can't immediately see what it needs. I'll work on that.

As for the links, I can't replicate that, and the styling for those seem to come from the template CSS. At least, in beez_20 it does. But I'd have to access your page to see what's going on with your template. Can you point me at the page? Or maybe a test page which doesn't need a login.

-- hugh
achartier - I tried the test login you gave me and followed your instructions, but the textarea element shows as a simple textarea, not a WYSIWYG editor. But I suspect your issue is the same as jmoises, so ...

jmoises - if you load your page with the beez_20 template:


... you'll see that the buttons look like they should. If you inspect the styling with FireBug, you'll see that the styling for #editor-xtd-buttons and .button2-left are done in general.css, and are missing from your 'fincamexico' template.

You'll either need to talk to the people who wrote that template and have them fix that, or modify the CSS for that template yourself, or use some custom CSS in your Fabrik form template to create that CSS.

-- hugh
Hugh, I may have given you bad info for what to do, I also did not have that account set for the proper group (still muddling my way through J2.5 ACL).

Once you log in go to the FAQ Maint menu and click on FAQ Items, then click on the pencil beside one of the items in the table. The problem area is the FAQ Answer text area wysiwyg.
I am using JCE and when I place a WYSIWYG editor on the form it does not span the width of the form
Edit the correct jce profile (e.g. the one set up for the front end)
click on editor parameters, enter '100%' for the editor width

For the rest, as Hugh says, I would guess the template you are using has not styled the buttons. I tested with beez and the buttons are styled, albeit rather plainly.
For the rest, as Hugh says, I would guess the template you are using has not styled the buttons. I tested with beez and the buttons are styled, albeit rather plainly.
Getting back to this the template does indeed style these buttons, but for some reason the style is missing when the editor is rendered by fabrik.

I use the same editor when I edit an article in the front end and it renders the buttons perfectly.

Any idea how/why fabrik would override these?
Well I went through about a dozen tutorials on Firebug and none helped me with this. I can see the buttons rendered properly and the CSS associated with them when I edit a standard J! article. When I open the same editor on a fabrik form the styles are nowhere to be found in the CSS sidebar in Firebug, yet, if I look at the css stylesheets that are loaded from the live edit window I do see the template that has the styles in it is loaded.

I really have no idea how to proceed. Can anyone help or point me in a direction?
Right click on one of the editor buttons select 'inspect in firebug'
Firebug will open and on the left you will see all of the css that is applied to the button.
You should be able to work out from that

a) if your templates css file for rendering the buttons is loaded
b) if anything else is overriding that file's css.

I might hazard a complete guess and say your custom template only loads the editior css file if its editing an Joomla article. To check that open your template's index.php file and see if there are any php if statements surrounding the <link> element that loads the css for the editor buttons.
Went through the template php files and cannot find anything that causes the css not to load. The css for these buttons lives in the system.css file and when I look at the page source this css file is included in both cases.

Inspecting the element with Firebug got me no further. I can see on a regular article that the css is there in the FB css window, but when I do exactly the same thing on a fabrik form no css. I can see nothing in FB that would help me determine where the css has gone.

I am pulling out my hair here! Grrrrr...
Is your problem in front or/and in backend?
I'm seeing exactly the same buttons if using JCE (or MCE) for editing an article or a fabrik textarea but in the frontend they a really ugly, e.g. background-images/icons missing... (backend buttons are ok)
I think it's a MCE issue.
Yes, the problem is only in the front end. I have tried both JCE and JoomlaCK, both have the same problem.
The css for these buttons lives in the system.css.
Not for me, perhaps you have a different system.css file, but if I look at templates/system/css/system.css I don't think I see any styling related to the buttons.

Can you pm me the login details to your site so I can tell you what I think is wrong and bump this thread when you have done so
Since I was so speedy in pm'ing and bumping as requested You may have missed the update, so here is a very friendly bump.
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