Yootheme modal details view


New Member
Trying to figure out the easiest way to get the yootheme modal component to display the details. I am struggling to get the link working correctly. https://getuikit.com/docs/modal

Can someone give me a suggestions. I am no longer using a separate magnifying glass button for details I just use the Name or the image thumbnail as the link.

Does not seem like it should be this hard. Please help me. I have tried to reference some of the other lightbox posts here or ajaxifying links but I am not sure it needs to be all that complicated since my theme already has the functionality builtin.
This won't work easily. As you can see from UIKit's code, it expects the modal div on the same page as the link.
So, you'd need to build something ideally with Ajax to load the details data in the modal after it opens, or so.
If you want to open the details in a popup you can enable "Ajaxfy links" in the list settings [Links]
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