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fileupload element error: filename not readable in list

Both (my local xampp)

I renamed jellyfish60.jpg to ???????60.jpg which is no problem under Windows.
The uploaded files (normal + thumb) are renamed to these other characters.
Hmm, I can't replicate that:

View attachment 17138

In that shot you can see the file on disk (in the upload folder), the filename in the table, and the filename shown browsing the form (clicking on it and bringing up a lightbox).

What character set and collation is your table / upload element field?

I had to change mine to utf8 / utf8_general_ci when I was testing the other day, to get it to correctly store UTF8 (no big surprise there).

-- hugh
Are you sure you did a full github update?

Hmmm. I'll see if I can replicate this.

By "on Windows", you mean the server, the client, or both?

-- hugh

well send a pic from joomla admin:
View attachment 17141
i tried again, a full github update
and put "No" at the specific line of the .ini file, but still underscores...
i have to make all changes of page: Added 'clean filename' option, to disable default behavior of allowing only alphanumeric ?
Nope. And this is why we originally made the decision to normalize names as 7 bit alphanumeric, because handling of multibyte filenames is so OS and PHP version specific. We don't have the time to test all the permutations.

I'm currently working on setting up a client site on Ubuntu (artful), if I get some time I'll run a quick test on it.

-- hugh
Nope. And this is why we originally made the decision to normalize names as 7 bit alphanumeric, because handling of multibyte filenames is so OS and PHP version specific. We don't have the time to test all the permutations.

I'm currently working on setting up a client site on Ubuntu (artful), if I get some time I'll run a quick test on it.

-- hugh
i have try in 16 & 18 version of ubuntu but i had the same
Can you please tell me, as alternative, how to write in "Rename Code" so that file name it will be (user id + file name) ?
View attachment 17180
I just tested on Ubuntu 17.10, and it works fine:

View attachment 17188

It also renders fine on the front end, in a Gantry 5 template.

The rename code must 'return' a value, and it doesn't do placeholder substitution. So you'd need to do something like:

$user = JFactory::getUser();
return $user->get('id') . $filename;

-- hugh
I just tested on Ubuntu 17.10, and it works fine:

View attachment 17188

It also renders fine on the front end, in a Gantry 5 template.

The rename code must 'return' a value, and it doesn't do placeholder substitution. So you'd need to do something like:

$user = JFactory::getUser();
return $user->get('id') . $filename;

-- hugh

i'll try Ubuntu 17.10,
is it 32 or 64 bit ?
I doubt very much it has anything to do with the OS. I have no idea if I'm using 32 or 64 bit, but I suspect it's 64.

-- hugh