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Image not found in PDF

Yup, with this commit it's working.
Many thanks to Cheesegrits and Troester for working on this!
You are absolutely right, I applied the view level (for registered user only) to the List and did not recognize the change when setting views for Public change to registered used. Since changed, rendering of QR code failed.
I was so stupid to be stuck on this issue for years and tried to install, reinstall server again and again.
As the list can not be viewed for public.
I have applied your fix and now it works! This save me for years then.

Another question is: I found Mpdf is quick in rendering Pdf but not dompdf. The only problem with mpdf is not being able to render Qr code. when setting an element to be QR code, mpdf would not work!
If you have some times, please share your view on this.
Thank you very much for all your supports.
Dang Dinh Ngoc
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hmm, it's working fine on my site also with mpdf.
Do you have J! error reporting enabled?
Maybe mpdf is hitting some php limit...
Hi cheesgrits, I have a full github updated with little modification of form.xml, list.xml under models in admin and adding pager size definition into dompdf CPDF.php (of course this was done many time without any problem)
However, the QR code is not displayed with either boostrap or div template
I double, there should be a problem for the QR code generator , I tried the link for the image and here it is. If you would like to access the site/server, please mail me by ngocdd@sfdp.net or skype at paulsteigel, so you can figure out problem with thanks.
I was so happy to see there was a fix, so I updated my website (J3.9.3, Fabrik 3.9 and the last github update ( done today), I also verified that field.php has the fix described above: it's OK) but I still have the problem with QR code and PDF :

On the pdf generated (KO):

On the List:


If I enable 'Debug PDF' in Fabrik's global options, when I hit the pdf button :

I use DOMPDF ( I also tried MDPF, no QR code shows up, no error message )
I enabled "Allow PDF localhost"

I don't see what I missed...thanks if you have an idea...
Hi, I have the same problem as Borox, I tried to follow the instructions but there is no solution.

I want to export in only View or Form mode and shows the error Image not found or type unknown

If I have an image field on the Form, it is exported well to PDF.

I have the latest update from github version 3.9 and J. 3.9.1
I Use dompdf.
Somebody could solved it.

Borox, will you have the solution?
Thank you so much

I discovered that generally, the above problems (as guided by Cheesegrit and Hugh) can be caused by:
1. User level access: The view for the QR-code is not set for public as user would only allow registered to view. To check for this, first set the viewing of the list to public (non-registered user) and try to generate pdf - if it fail in generating the code, problem may go to the 2nd case.
As you can view the QR-created on the browser view but when creating pdf it failed. This mostly because of the pdf creating role was not given with permission by the server (my case was this). To check this, access server by SSH and do a wget command for the qr-image - base on the response you can see whether the image was created or not, if not, allow pdf to work on localhost.
2. Library problem - apply the fix that Fabrik provided in Github.
Depending on each case you can determine and seek help from the forum!
Excelent!! the solution was the first. In the list, de Access from view record it must be public.

Thank you

Hi Juan,

I just checked again, but unfortunatly, in my case even with 'public' for 'view record', I still have 'image not found'. These something else in my case...but I still don't know what. What ever, I stopped using the pdf button and I'm using the print button. With 'Print' it works, and with a 'pdf printer' I can make a pdf.
Most issues like this are caused by access control problems. When you view things from your browser, they are accessed as part of your current session (logged in). But when a PDF is generated, it is being created by the server making a CURL call back to itself to generate the view ... and that CURL session is not authenticated, isn't part of your session. The "Allow Local PDF" should work round it, but for some things (like QR codes), probably won't. So you'll need to open up the ACL for the QR code.

-- hugh