Recent content by cchiacchierini

  1. cchiacchierini

    Php no longer working on custom form

    The following code placed in the default.php file of a custom template provided two separate dates up until recently. Now it returns today's date in both instances. <?php $fromget = $this->groups['CRM']->elements['from_date']->element_raw; $toget =...
  2. cchiacchierini

    Fatal error form no longer loading.

    Solved! You guys are the best!
  3. cchiacchierini

    Fatal error form no longer loading.

    Getting the following error after updating from github on 4/9/15. Lists loading okay, as are most forms, but one form is no longer loading. Fatal error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in /home/mmmmmmoopetvps/ on line...
  4. cchiacchierini

    500 Error Unknown Column

    Thanks. Recreated without raw. Working now.
  5. cchiacchierini

    500 Error Unknown Column

    I should add that the list in question is using javascript for this element: journal_checkin___journal_title_raw
  6. cchiacchierini

    500 Error Unknown Column

    I just added the site with admin credentials to my sites.
  7. cchiacchierini

    500 Error Unknown Column

    Hugh. Checking on credentials.
  8. cchiacchierini

    500 Error Unknown Column

    They are. It looks as though they were imported in from an old fabrik install.
  9. cchiacchierini

    500 Error Unknown Column

    Getting the following error when initiating a filter of a list: 500 Fabrik has generated an incorrect query for the list. Unknown column 'journal_checkin.JAI' in 'where clause' SQL=SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT `journal_checkin`.`id_raw` AS `journal_checkin___id_raw`...
  10. cchiacchierini

    Form content plugin returning error

    I am able to show a list using the content plugin but when trying to insert a form into an article, I get the following error: Warning: require_once(/xxx/components/com_fabrik/views/form? id/view.html.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in...
  11. cchiacchierini

    Filters not working on front end only (all lists)

    Smooth scroll anchors was the culprit. Issue resolved.
  12. cchiacchierini

    Filters not working on front end only (all lists)

    URL: Joomla: 3.3.6 Fabrik: 3.2 Filters work great on the back end, but do nothing on the front end (both element and records per page filter). This happens for all lists. Here is what I tried without success to solve the problem: Switched...
  13. cchiacchierini

    1054 Error unknown column with all joined tables with repeat tables

    Given that I can run the command in phpmyadmin as described in post #8 above, I just created a view based on: SELECT FROM gecw1_users, gecw1_user_usergroup_map WHERE = gecw1_user_usergroup_map.user_id AND (gecw1_user_usergroup_map.group_id = 21 OR...
  14. cchiacchierini

    1054 Error unknown column with all joined tables with repeat tables

    Hugh: I would love to dive back into this one. Without the filter, the checkbox list is too long. To answer your question: Form: Strategic Plan: Strategies Element: strategygroupmembers I have created login credentials in my sites. Please let me know.
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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