add an element to multiple forms


New Member
As Question shows i want to add an element that related on multiple forms to avoid repeating. so what solution i have to do this.
thanks for your answer, but is there anyway to do this with coding?
example: in elements table : set group id : 4,5
so this way will assign element to two groups.
i read the codes but i don't understand that where fabrik inserts new element to database table
add an element that related on multiple forms to avoid repeating
Not sure what you mean.
Have a look at the databasejoin element to hold a foreign key pointing to an other list/DB table with information.
I just Changed the group view in new element form to text also in the #__fabrik_elements i changed the type of group_id to varchar to accept strings. now the problem is when user set group to 5,6 its not working and i don't know why
I don't think there's any support if you are hacking Fabrik core tables and Fabrik code.
No idea what you want to do, there's no "group view".
An element belongs to one single group!
1- as i know fabrik is open source and changing the source code of it (not hacking) is not wrong.
2- i know an element belongs to single group! i want to change this. so user can add it to multiple groups whitout adding several same elements.
Sure, you can do what you want with the code and the core tables.
But I think then there's no support on "its not working and i don't know why"