• Holiday Schedule

    Your code gophers will be away for the next couple of weeks so support will be sporadic. We should be fully back online by the end of September.

  • A new version of Full Calendar is now available.

    See the details here

Anti-spam in PDF


Hello again ;)
When i created PDF from list where i have field with email (type: field; vaildation: isemail; Guess link: ON), in PDF i have anti-spam error: "This email address is being protected before spamming. To see it, it is necessary to enable JavaScript in browser." [on Polish: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczy?, konieczne jest w??czenie w przegl?darce obs?ugi JavaScript.]

How we can repair it? It's on other system - not DEV SDM ;)

EDIT: When PDF Debug is enable, I have the same problem.
Is it a list called via menu item or a list via content plugin or list module?
Is it a list called via menu item or a list via content plugin or list module?
It's list via menu item. I add this site to 'my sites' - DEV SKEF. This is list "Raport 3" where i filtered only records with email or/and telephone.
Issue confirmed.
If a field element is set to "guess link"=yes it (who?) is running email cloaking
- even if list setting is "Cloak emails"=No and if the Joomla content "emailcloak" plugin is disabled! :confused:

It's working as expected if guess link= no (no cloaking if Joomla plugin is disabled or cloaking=no in list settings).