[bug] sporadic not-permitted error on modify element SOLVED

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I've been running into a strange bug that randomly prevents me from editing parameters of an element. After changing and element's settings, I get the following message on save:
You are not permitted to use that link to directly access that page (#1).
When revisiting the element I find that my settings were not saved. Strangely enough, re-editing the element and re-saving almost always "resolves" the issue and fabrik saves the element without grumbling.

It's been very difficult to find a common denominator between the various situations and elements where I've experienced this bug. So far it seems that the most sure-fire way to reproduce this is:
  1. selecting 'View details' on a list
  2. select an element from the list
  3. make changes and save the element
Initially I thought this was the only time that I was ever experiencing this problem, and that visiting elements directly from the 'Elements' page would bypass it, but further experience has shown that this problem surfaces even there, but completely randomly/sporadically as far as I can tell...

Unfortunately I can find no server log error that relates to this bug.
I think this occurs if you have to log back in again, and then try to access the edit element page directly?
That is more of a Joomla thing than a Fabrik thing as its build into the form controller class:
libraries/joomla/legacy/controller/form.php in save() line 581:

if (!$this->checkEditId($context, $recordId))
// Somehow the person just went to the form and tried to save it. We don't allow that.
$this->setError(JText::sprintf('JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_UNHELD_ID', $recordId));
$this->setMessage($this->getError(), 'error');
'index.php?option=' . $this->option . '&view=' . $this->view_list
. $this->getRedirectToListAppend(), false
return false;

JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_UNHELD_ID , is translated to 'You are not permitted to use that link to directly access that page'
Hi Rob!

I understand this is a Joomla error, I don't understand why fabrik trips it so often. I don't believe I've ever seen this in connection with logging in and out.

In my experience, the error is always reproducible by following the steps list above. In addition to the above steps, I encounter this error one out of ~ four times when editing a large amount of elements successively.
I've not see it when editing lots of elements, just when the user has been logged out and you log in again.
I tested the same process on a Joomla article and it behaves in the same manner. Not sure what we can do to be honest here.
I've checked the edit element page and we do use the Joomla session "keep alive" code (JHtml::_('behavior.keepalive');) so you shouldn't get logged out whilst editing the element itself.
Hmm... maybe we should forget about the 'sporadic' part of my problem. Could you check if this is reproducible:?
  1. Select 'View details' on an entry from the Fabrik 'Lists' view (administrative back-end).
  2. From the list of elements that appears, select an element.
  3. Make changes and save the element.
This always trips the error for me. If that's not reproducible for you, then I'll conclude it's a problem with my server...

For what it's worth, I just tested the above on a totally different server (1and1 Apache shared hosting) and was able to reproduce the error.
ah great thanks for those instructions, I wasn't looking in the same place as you!
The edit links on that page were out of date, which was causing the bug. I've now updated them and they work - you can edit and save the element/group/form without that error occuring.
I've been using this update for the last few hours and everything is going smooth, so I'm closing the thread. Thanks for all the hard work and excellent support rob!
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