Calculated value in Display Element

I want to create an order form that calculates and displays prices based on the data entered into three form fields. How would I go about doing that?
Just an addition:
- you don't need to add elements you are using in calculation to "Ajax observe fields"
- better use quoted placeholders to avoid php errors if the field is empty (shouldn't be an issue in case of dropdown or radiobutton), e.g.
- you don't need to add elements you are using in calculation to "Ajax observe fields"
but in that case all fields will be observed, won`t they?
Woznyp, you are my hero! Now I'm going to try to implement it and will probably be back shortly with questions to demonstrate my ignorance further.
OK, I'm stuck already. Firstly, where did you get a version of Calc for Joomla3?
2nd, is it possible to use an IF statement in a calc?
My biggest problem at the moment is getting Fabrik to work on the front end of Joomla 3.1.1 If I try to publish a form either as a module or directly from the menu I get a 500 server error. Works fine in J2.5

I'm running Joomla 3.1.1 and Fabrik 3.1b

Ok here is the latest. I have updated Fabrik from Github and the forms now show on the frontend but with Firebug turned on the backend is a sea of red javascript errors and I can't save any changes in Fabrik Elements.

Is there a clean install for J3.1.1 and Fabrik that works? If not I'll have to go back and start again in J2.5.
Thanks Wosnyp. I've given up on using Joomla3 for this project and have gone back to 2.5. Fabrik seems to fragile in Joomla 3 as yet.