Calendar problems


So, using J!3.1.5 and Fabrik-fabrik-3.0.8-1459-gbaf70a1

1- If the calendar does not show (500), go to Options settings of the Visualization to set the template to bootstrap.

2- Their is a problem on the frontend calendar : add (obtained by the button or by double clicking in the calendar) does not work. Although the calendar show properly, when you want to add an event, you get a 'COULD NOT FIND RECORD IN DATABASE' message.

3- Simple-clicking an event does not show the edit / suppress icons. Plus the time is presented the English way with Start / End and AM/PM. I'd like to find there the caption of the field, and the time in the format H:i

4- Double-clicking an event also gives the 'COULD NOT FIND RECORD IN DATABASE' message.
1 - I've changed this so that 'bootstrap' is the default template
2 & 4 Should be fixed now

Simple-clicking an event does not show the edit / suppress icons.
3- Oh woops yes, the html was not added to the pop-up - should be fixed.

Plus the time is presented the English way with Start / End and AM/PM. I'd like to find there the caption of the field, and the time in the format H:i
I've added a translation string :


which you will need to add to your calendar viz language file e.g. /plugins/fabrik_visualization/calendar/language/en-GB/en-GB.plg_fabrik_visualization_calendar.ini

The placeholders {start} and {end} are replaced with the event's start/end dates. You can format the time with the new 'options ->time format' setting - which uses mootools date formatting defined here
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