Close button ? Fabrik:Lists -> View Data


How do you close (or move to another list/form) the View Data screen - other than via the back button ? In J!2.5 Fabrik you have the Fabrik objects (lists,forms,groups etc) displayed in a horizontal menu. Thanks.
You can use Components/Fabrik/xxx
or you can add the Fabrik quick icon module (position menu) to get an additional "Fabrik" menu item in the admin menu.
Sorry can you give a little more information on how to do either of these options. Is there any documentation ? Thanks.

use "Components" menu or add Joomla administrator modul "Fabrik quick icons" on position menu
I've tried to find "Fabrik quick icons" plug in from the downloads section of the website but have failed. Where is it ? Thanks.
You might need an update from GitHub to get the quick icons plugin.

We could also do with a Wiki page for it if whoever answers the "how to" part of this thread could create it.
There are 289 wiki pages of documentation (not to mention the hundreds of forum threads which contain potted wisdom) and one in particular which describes how to do the "update from GitHub" that I suggested.

Let's be positive and trust that you will not hit any problems once you get the quick-icons plugin installed.

As for a close button, that only makes sense if you have opened the list in a pop-up window. As with most web pages, if there is an obvious next page, you should supply a link to it, otherwise you should expect the user to select their own next page from the web-site menus.

Hope this helps.

P.S. I have just been watching the latest episode of Sherlock, so apologies if my last post was somewhat Holmsean.
Thanks for breaking into your evening of crime to respond to my post.
I am a great admirer of Sherlock - but no apology needed. I am totally positive !

Thanks for the GitHub Wiki page - sorry if I should have found this myself. I've had a 12 month break from Fabrik and never used version 3 so I'm stumbling a bit.

Am I right that the GitHub will give a complete update of the Fabrik program code which will include the quick icons plug-in ? I.e. I'm not looking to find this specific plug-in ?

My comment about the close button may be fallacious but my logic was as follows:
(Back End 3.x) From Fabrik:Lists.... I click View Details for a specific list and I get a Close button. If I click View Data, I don't. That seems illogical to me.

I have to admit this is the same in Fabrik for J!2.5 but the difference in 2.5 is you don't lose the Fabrik objects menu when you click a list row. So in 2.5 if I click view data and then decide I want to go back to the lists view, I click lists. In 3.x I can't do that - so I need either the back button or a close button.
Feel free to correct anything above that is wrong !

My comment on the documentation was a little prompted by what you said. I thought I was merely adding support to your suggestion that a specific help page should detail what I'm trying to do - and make it clear that you need this plug-in, that you may not have it installed and (if I'm right about what I said above) you need to refresh your entire Fabrik code to get it ( not search through the individual plug in downloads).

The Wiki material is certainly a lot better than it was 12-18 months ago.
Yes - you need a complete update - you wouldn't want just the plugin if it needed a fix that was in the rest of GitHub and not in the e.g. rc2 version you downloaded and installed.

In simple terms, select the Joomla3 branch in GitHub, download the zip file and unpack, then upload the administrator, components, libraries, media, modules and plugins directories to the Joomla root directory of your web site (which will already have these directories in there) - overwrite existing files where they exist. Then go to Extensions / Manage, search for Fabrik, select all and click Refresh Cache, then to Extensions / Discover click Discover then install, then clear your server Joomla cache and your browser cache. And Robert's your parent's sibling.

As for the close button, I agree that in the back-end administrator screens it would make sense to have a close button on View Details - and since you only get the List dropdown in Back-End and not in the front-end, there is already code you can add to. However, adding this is not a priority for me, and probably not a priority for Fabrikar staff, but if you want to add it yourself, please go ahead. (That said, looking at the URLs and how the Close button is in the Joomla Toolbar, it looks like the View Details screen is structurally different from the View Data screen, so this may not be that easy.)

Thanks for your response. I've done the Github update. When I search for Fabrik Quick Icon in module manager I get nothing. What have I done wrong ?

Even if I have this module in place I think you suggest that adding a close button may not be straightforward. As it's in the back end, as you post, it's not a killer issue and I'm not sure it would be wise to embark on something complex at this stage given my current limited and rusty Fabrik experience !

Troester mentioned another approach and sent a screen shot which places Fabrik in the top Joomla menu bar - something along the lines of Components/Fabrik/xxx. I'm afraid I didn't understand what he was suggesting. If I could add Fabrik to the main J! menu with a dropdown giving Lists, Forms, Groups etc. then that would be a most acceptable alternative.

Thanks for your continued help on this.
Firstly Joomla Modules Manager manages blocks on the screen. When you create a New Module, you can decide what type of module it is i.e. a Fabrik List or Form module.

Secondly Fabrik Quick Icon is NOT a module. It is an extension and possibly a plugin. I have not used it myself, so I have no idea what it does. Why don't you experiment, work out what it does and then document it in the wiki.
Oops - my last post was just plain wrong. Quick Icon is a Module - as far as I can see from a quick play, you go to Module Manager, select Filter Administrator, click New, select Fabrik Quick Icon, name it Fabrik, select cPanel as a Position and save.

As far as I can see this create a new Fabrik Panel in Joomla's Admin Control Panel with the list of Fabrik admin screens i.e. Elements, Lists etc.
A little more playing - and my best suggestion is:

Module/Name: Fabrik
Module/Position: Menu
Advanced/Alternative Layout: Menu

This adds a separate Fabrik menu to the right of Help.
I've followed troestor's instructions and discovered the module and installed it. I can't find a Purge Cache button as per his screen shot (was his shot J!2.5 ?). But I've cleared the cache via Site ? Maintenance ? Clear Cache.
But I still don't see Fabrik Quick Icon listed in the module list so I can allocate a position. The nearest thing is a module called Quick Links - but this is a J! module, not Fabrik ?

I sense we are getting nearer but...
WIKI screenshots are from J2.5, yes. It has changed a bit in J3.0.
If the module has been installed you should find it as Sophist has explained via

click "Administrator"
click "New"
click "Fabrik Quick Icons"
select position=menu
in "Advanced" tab select Alternativ Layout = menu
I've installed the module - but it displays all the Fabrik options in a vertical menu which obscures the rest of the module list.

What do I do now - find the CSS and change the font and the list display format ? Delete the module (difficult with most of the page obscured) or restore a backup ?


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