column name, form name, list name translation label jtext


I have installed Fabrik last night with Joomla 3.5.1 and everything looks great.

I have managed to translate labels of my elements and added FABRIK_LABEL_MY_XYZ with the list and form labels. In frontend I don't see my JText translation. Also my column headings with a list module are not being translated. List will pull the database table headings. Is there any way to change this or is it just a feature that hasn't been implemented yet?
Where/how? J! Language overrides (in Extensions/Languages...) have to be for "xy - site"(frontend) and for "xy - Administrator" (backend)

Can you post a screenshot of what is translated and what is not?
Of course...totally my fault. I haven't thought about the admin overrides. Works ;) Could be added to the docs...or I have just not seen it.

But the "list module" seems to use database table headings for the table instead of the language string being translated. Or have I missed a setting?
thank you very much for the link...I will have a look at it. so the main problem seems to be the filtering I guess. Because for a table, fabrik will need a unique column identifier. however...the core could filter on the column database name, but display String with frontend table according to the language. don't like to hack something.
Has been mentioned in another topic of mine, I have pulled a GitHub update like 2 days ago and today everything looks great and being translated. I have created a new list module and this time the list is perfect. I guess the old module still had some old translation strings or no translation strings associated in database. After updating Fabrik, I needed to create a new module or at least do the selection of the fields again and save module to get the correct strings for the module.
