Conditionally hide detail view


I need to hide the detail view of an element (or group) based on a value of an other element.
I have an invoice where the paydate is displayed. I use the detail view for printing the invoice.
If not payed yet I don't want to display the paydate and I want to display the pay instructions.
Only if payed then I want to display the paydate and no pay instructions.

Is this possible?
One option:

1) Hide your original "paid date" element;
2) Create new "calc" element;
3) In calc element:
if "paid date element" = empty, return "paying instructions",
else return "paid date".
It must be possible to change the pay date on the form, so I can not hide it.
I only want to hide it on the details.

I can use the calc for the paying instructions, however.
Thanks for that suggestion (why didn't I think of that).

To hide the pay date I changed default_group_labels_side.php (in the /view/detail folder).
I check for any elements having a 'null' date and set css style="display:none" for those.

Its working well this way.
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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