content plugin and 3 lists on same page gives strange results


I am using the content plugin to display 3 lists on the same page. Using the same list, but each list are selected based on values like payed, finished, cancelled. But, when using 3 lists from the same table i get strange results.
Example when displaying the below i get no records in table 3 (canceled). But if just showing the canceled list, the list are displaying records. Syntax:

Not payed:
{fabrik view=list id=1 ac_salg___betaling_raw= showfilters=0}

{fabrik view=list id=1 ac_salg___ferdigmont_raw=1 showfilters=0}

{fabrik view=list id=1 ac_salg___avbestilt_raw=1 showfilters=0}

Is it not possible to have multiple lists like this ? If not, what do i need to do to be able to display multiple lists on same page?
As far as I can remember there's an other thread about this.
You can't have the same list multiple times in one article.
You can copy your list (new list will be pointing to the same DB table) and then use the "different" lists (with different list ids) in the content plugin.
Yes i saw that thread, but also anotherone that said to give it a go. So i am not sure what is the best way to do this.
But what happens if i copy my list/element/form and need to make changes to any of the elements in the list? Will i have to do the same changes for all new lists ?
Figured out that if i fill the 3 lists using the same element for all 3 lists this will retrieve uniqe records for each list. Meaning that no record will show up in two lists. Then it looks like it works. But can i thrust it you think ? Hate to see it falls apart in production.... Like to hear your thoughts about that.

{fabrik view=list id=1 ac_salg___statusferdig[value]=40 ac_salg___statusferdig[condition]=< showfilters=0}
{fabrik view=list id=1 ac_salg___statusferdig=80 showfilters=0}
{fabrik view=list id=1 ac_salg___statusferdig=40 showfilters=0}
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