count element based in more elements


hello i want to make an element that is called "Status" and has 2 options: Completed or Incompleted.

That element is based on my database structure and tells the user if the Mission is Completed or Incompleted.

It has to be based in more elements.
Explain myself: For a Mission to considered Completed it has to be these thing happening:
I have an element Called: Transect.
Transect can take values from 1 to 3.
The other one is called Quadrat
Quadrat can take values also from 1 to 3.
It's Transect has 3 Quadrats to considered completed.
And Mission has 3 Transects to considered Completed
So we have 3 Quadrats x 3 Transects per Mission to Considered Completed.
So 9 Quadrats has to be recorded so Mission to be completed.
How can i do this?

Let's say if a mission has only 8 Quadrats recorded the Mission is incompleted.

How can i do this?
I would do that as a calculation element, I'd need to see the form to comment on the actual php you could use though, could you post a url?
Id need to be able to access the form, currently I can only view records, can you PM me a login please? (Might as well make it a super admin account whilst you're there just in case, if that's cool with you)

friendly bump!
rob i pm you the username and pass
but no contact since now.
do you think you could come in contact with me in skype?
i send you my skype in the pm.
ah sorry, if you don't remind me in the thread I wont look at my PM's I get a LOT of them from lots of people for various reasons, generally people trying to bump the support queue.

I've asked you to join me on skype as I'm not sure I understand what logic you need to implement.

We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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