Count the number of entry's and show on the frontpage


New Member
Dear All,

I have a idea but don't know if this is possible.
A customer ask me to show the number of form entrys on the FrontPage.

the counting is not the problem, there for i can use the id which the form create.
But is there a possebility to publisch only that number in a custom html/php file ?

I hope someone can help me

Grtz Manfred
That is idd a usefull extension

Now i have to figure out how to use the following entry " inschrijfformulier___id "
Well - yes - you could use Sourcerer.

But if you want to do it in Fabrik, then you can get the count into a list and display it using the Fabrik List module.
That is idd a usefull extension

Now i have to figure out how to use the following entry " inschrijfformulier___id "

Sophist is correct, you could use Fabrik directly but some things are much easier if you know a little php and sql. Using Sourcerer just write an sql query to grab the inschrijfformulier___id directly from the table and echo the result.
If this is a Fabrik list you can also create a custom list layout and just echo $this->navigation->total

So there's more than one way to skin a cat...
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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