Creating Reports using fabrik data?


Active Member
Hello i read that is posible to create reports using custom templates in fabrik, but is there any other tool for creating reports ?

thanks for any update
Like so often, this is all very generic, particularly the term "report". Some call a table list a report and are happy with it, others mean some fancy infographics and what not else. So, without good and detailed specs any response here can be very right or very wrong = a lottery.
You Right Lousyfool, but using custom templates, you can create list or nice style PDF reports, so for me i was using a combination of Joomla, Fabrik and Jasper Report (when it was open source) now i try to do only Joomla and Fabrik

Like so often, this is all very generic, particularly the term "report". Some call a table list a report and are happy with it, others mean some fancy infographics and what not else. So, without good and detailed specs any response here can be very right or very wrong = a lottery.