DB Join repeat groups re-order

Is there any way to allow for re-ordering of the data in repeat groups?

So in the admin, as they are adding extra items. either via dbjoins or not, to be able to re-order the data so in the lists or detail view, the order in the object ofr the group/subgroups will be the same?
If you supply a field in the repeat group as one of the order by's then that should work I think?
I could explicitly create a field, yes, and order them, yes, however, like with the dropdown items, the drag and drop ordering is interface useability.. anyway to accomplish this, in repeat groups? should be standard functionality.. I would think..!
ah ok so you want re-ordering of list rows via some kind of drag an drop?
This might be possible with the list order plugin however you are still going to have to supply an order field to store which order they are ordered in.
It may also only work if you have repeating data which is not merged.