Digsig element issue with PDFs


Hi guys,

I have a digsig element that correctly shows the signatures on the list, but when I try to generate a PDF it shows a square crossed that says "Image not found or type unknown". If I activate the "Debug PDF" option it shows them correctly.

I have already tried with both, DOMPDF and MPDF libraries updated with the latest versions with the same result.
Joomla 3.9.26
Fabrik 3.9.2 from GitHub
Plugin System - Flexisystem not installed

Any clue as to what I may be doing wrong ???


  • DOMPDF.pdf
    35.5 KB · Views: 56
  • MPDF.pdf
    61.3 KB · Views: 55
Did you set the "PDF secret"
It is set to "175" by default but I don´t know if a different value is needed and if it must match with any user id or list id or something .... I have tried several options with no success.
Do you have access settings on the element itself?
I think it needs public details view to display in PDF.
So I assume it's no digsig issue.
Do you have a htaccess on your site which prevents "public" access?
Yes but it does not prevent "public" access. I have many other elements with "public" access and have no issues but with the digsig one, I use to control accesses at menu level.

If I activate the "Debug PDF" Fabrik option it shows the signatures correctly, but if I deactivate this option it don't convert them to pdf.
"www.fabrikar.com/forums/index.php?wiki/digital-signature-element/" says "PDF secret - If you need to show a digsig in a PDF view, and you have access controls on your list that require authentication, you will need to set a PDF secret (any word or phrase, only used internally by Fabrik) to bypass the ACLs, because the PDF rendering is done on the server, out of the scope of the authenticated browser session"

When I try to access "www.driveme.es/index.php?option=com_fabrik&task=plugin.pluginAjax&plugin=digsig&method=ajax_signature_to_image&format=raw&element_id=509&formid=30&rowid=1&repeatcount=0" from any browser, it shows the image only if I previously logged in from that browser, it seems like it do not bypass the ACLs.

Sorry but I cannot figure out how to solve this ....
The PDF secret can bypass Fabrik list ACLs ("...and you have access controls on your list that require authentication..." = needs a Joomla login).

But if you have a htaccess preventing the principal access via http(s) to your site (no matter if Joomla or anything else) this can't be bypassed by Joomla or Fabrik because they aren't triggered at all.

Maybe it's possible to add an exception to your htaccess file
I can reproduce the digsig "broken image" only if I have a htaccess protected site (so you must login before you can access the site at all) or if the digsig element has non-public access settings.

Menu or list access settings don't matter.

If you don't have htaccess restictions or digsig element restrictions:
Do you have something like Admintools which may prevent "external" access to Fabrik files?
Is it only in list PDF? Or also in details PDF?
Frontend and/or backend?
Either in frontend and backend, in list view and details view, images are shown, only when trying to extract a PDF in list PDF and in details PDF when are broken. No Admintools nor Fexisystem plugin ....
Either in frontend and backend, in list view and details view, images are shown
This doesn't matter, during PDF creation it's an other "way of access" which seems to be prohibted on your site by whatever.