Display no records on list based on required filter


Well-Known Member

Using Fabrik Epsilon with PHP 8.1.x and J! 4.3.4.
I have a list where i have selected 'Require filtering' = YES in order to force users to select filters to display the records accordingly.

I have also selected 'Player Name' as required filter in the Elememt settings (List View Settings -> Filters -> Required = YES). All the rest filters have been set Required = NO.

However the list returns no data when I select a 'Player Name' and click OK to get the record.
Am I doing something wrong?
Should do.
Do you have data for the name you are searching for?
Check your element's filter settings (e.g. if it's "Exact").
Should do.
Do you have data for the name you are searching for?
Check your element's filter settings (e.g. if it's "Exact").
Hi @troester

Exact match is set to YES but regardless this setting (YES/NO) returns no data while should return data.

'Player Name' is DB Join element which shows the Name but raw value is the Player ID (Numeric)
Filter Type = Autocomplete
Exact match = YES
Is it working if it's not autocomplete but field or dropdown?
Is it working if the filter is not required?
Is it working if it's not autocomplete but field or dropdown?
Is it working if the filter is not required?

Well. I did some testing.
1. When there is no filter required works all the time regardless the filter type.
2. When the filter type is field or dropdown works even if the filter is required regardless the exact match setting.

It works even with Autocomplete regardless the exact match setting if I remove from DBJoin Concat Label the following:
{thistable}.name,' (',assoc2,')'
However this concat is important to be in place :( for my list.
Any idea?
Hi again,

@troester it seems that the Concat label on DBJoin is causing the issue.
At the moment I managed to "bypass" the issue creating the desired concat directly on MySQL view removing the concat label from DBJoin.
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It's strange that the "require filter" has an effect on the concat label...
I'll have a look (if I get some time).
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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