Don't delete row if another table references (referential)


Bruce Decker
Hi all:
I can think of a few ways to do this, the easiest is probably with a custom PHP delete list plug-in and some PHP. But here is what I want to do and need to ask if Fabrik has something built-in.

Suppose I have a table called MASTER
and I have another table called CHILD

Suppose that I have a bunch of records in CHILD that references a row in MASTER

I want to prevent the deletion of the row in MASTER if there are any records in CHILD that refer to it.

What's the easiest way to do this?

There's a "canDeleteRow" list plugin.
You can add some php code in the Advanced tab ( count(*) from CHILD where foreign-key=master-id...)
So the user won't get the delete icon in "still referred" rows.
Using Fabrik 4.0alpha3 / J4.2.3
I have exactly the situation described by @pastvne
I wish to prevent deletion of records if they are used elsewhere.
A user creates an event (event table) and other users make a claim for travel expenses etc on that event (claim table)
I am using the candeleterow plugin
Here is my code:
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
//claim table
$claimtable = $db->quoteName('aaa_claims');
//event id in claim table
$eventid = $db->quoteName('event_meeting');
//event table
$eventtable = $db->quoteName('aaa_events');
//id in event table
$id = $db->quoteName('id');
//count events
$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $eventtable WHERE $id IN (SELECT " . $db->quote($eventid) . " FROM $claimtable WHERE " . $db->quote($eventid) . " = $id)";
$result = $db->loadResult();
return $result;

When i run the same sql in the database it returns a correct count (36/44) records in other words 36 events have claims on them.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `aaa_events` WHERE `aaa_events`.`id` IN ( SELECT `aaa_claims`.`event_meeting` FROM `aaa_claims` WHERE `aaa_claims`.`event_meeting` = `aaa_events`.`id` );

a var_dump($result) shows int(0) however it is 0 for every row.
This means a event can still be deleted even though its being used.

My access settings to delete is set to
or Use field: UserId
So in other words I want users to be able to delete their own events BUT i don't want them to delete them if they are being used in the claim table.

Would updating Fabrik help?
1. This is F3 forum, please post F4 questions in F4 forums
2. You should update to the latest Fabrik4 before posting issues.
3. JFactory::getDbo(); isstill working but deprecated

var(dump) your query to see what you really are selecting.
I can't see a reference to some row value.
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