duplicate/copy field values


New Member
is it possible to copy a field value, when adding a record, from a field in group 1 to a field in group 2? The field in group 2 is hidden.
IMO the easiest way would be to use an onchange javascript/jquery event that fills the value of the field in group 2 with the changed value in the field in form 1.
Or you can use the php form plugin to change the value on form submission.
Hi Bauer, thanks for the reply. Yesterday i foud this solution.

In forms - in plug-ins on start-of-form-submission (process script) i entered this code:

$formModel->updateFormData('client___zorginstellingClientID', $formModel->formData[abonnement___zorginstellingClientID_raw], true);
$formModel->updateFormData('client___zorginstelling_zorginstellingID', $formModel->formData[abonnement___zorginstelling_zorginstellingID_raw], true);

This works!

To view all the possible fields i used the syntax:
echo "<pre>";print_r($formModel->formData);exit;

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