Email List Plugin : FATAL ERROR call function member null


New Member
Newbie in Fabrik. (3.4.7)
Installed the email plugin latest release to date.
It crashes with the following message : call to a member function xxxx on null in joomla/libraries/joomla/document/partial/renderer/head.php.
It looks as if the $documents variable is empty.
Pls any hints ?
Sorry to have been unprecise.
The 3.4.7 is the joomla core version.
I suppose that all the modules/components/plugins form Fabrik related to 3.5 level (but i have a bunch of 18 updates waiting).
The email list plugin required the 11.1 version and above of the Joomla platform which is the case (platform.php 13.1).
I can see in the email.php program that the package version shows a number 3.0.
Everything else installed from Fabrik, mainly related to list management, is working fine, after some tweaks. No fatal error up to now (only a white page due to a wrong class call, first seen and recorded in may 2015, corrected).
So what ??? I will try to delete the 3.5 version of the email plugin and replace it by the 3.1rc1 which is available in the archive section. Or wait for the release of joomla core 3.5 on the server I use (a NAS Synology).
Nevertheless, many thanks for your help and reply.
Recent Joomla is 3.6.2 which needs Fabrik3.5+

I can't remember which Fabrik version was compatible to Joomla3.4.7 but in any case you can't mix Fabrik versions: all plugins + component must be the same.
There's no support on outdated versions.
This is an important issue for me, and I do thank you a lot for pointing out this basic rule ! Appreciate.
We are in need of some funding.
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