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Workaround Error after update 2 "Fabrik Base Packages" and database error


After upgrading a J3/F3 site I ended up with 2 "Fabrik Base Packages":

Fabrik Base Package Site Package N/A No 10700
Fabrik Base Package Site Package 4.0 2024-02-01 Fabrikar N/A No 10228

#10228 is the original package from the J3 site.

Also, the database maintenance shows errors:
1) in a red banner above the page:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ''#__fabrik_ratings WHERE field = 'listid' AND UPPER(type) REGEXP '^INT([(][0-...' at line 1
Table '#__fabrik_packages' doesn't exist

As far as I can see in another F4 installation, there is no table _fabrik_packages, maybe a temp table?

2) on a mouseover of the red "one problem" button, a pop-up shows:
  • Table '\'y382j_fabrik_ratings has the wrong type of attributes for column 'listid' with type int. (From file 3.0.1.sql.)
    But this table seems identical to the same table in another F4 installation
  • Table '#__fabrik_packages' does not have index 'package_key'. (From file 3.0.5.sql.)
Any idea what could have gone wrong here and how to correct it?
In the extensions table I deleted the #10700 Fabrik Base package, but that did not make the errors in the database go away.
The database errors are already present after upgrading to Joomla 4, and before installing Fabrik 4.0.
The Fabrik database version is shown as 3.6.1., and the manifest version as 3.10 during this stage.
Also at this moment, "Update structure" does not fix the problem, just like it does not work after installing F4
Thanks, that was it! I deleted 7 old 3.x.sql files from
administrator\components\com_fabrik\sql\updates\mysql and the error was gone.
I found a similar file 2 levels up:
administrator/components/com_fabrik/sql as well, named 2.x-3.0.sql
Should that be deleted as well?

I still have the 2 "Fabrik Base Packages", but now the original #10288 has version 4 and the newer one is blank. Can I safely delete it?

Thanks a lot!
2.x-3.0.sql can also be deleted.
I still have the 2 "Fabrik Base Packages", but now the original #10288 has version 4 and the newer one is blank. Can I safely delete it?
No, better keep it. It should not hurt.