Error in Ajax Validation: Failed to parse time string


After I updated Fabrik from 3.1.1 to 3.2, the form Ajax validation no longer works and the server response is 500 error which says "0 - DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string". It didn't happen in previous versions.

Any help?



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"After update...": did you clear all Joomla and browser cache?
Which Joomla version are you running?

What are your format settings in your date element(s) in this form?
Which validation do you use?
Yes. I did clear all Joomla cache and browser cache.
Joomla version is 3.3.6.
Date format is d-m-Y H:i:s. Anyway I have tried many different formats without any luck. Any specific format you want me to try out?
No validation is used in element itself. Ajax validation is enabled in forms.
And this error occurs for "syst created datetime" element.
