form element css


New Member
How can I utilize the element css created for form elements. I am getting div classes like :

.control-group .fabrikElementContainer .plg-user fb_el_nifpz_mainregtable___parent_user_id mode-dropdown .fabrikDataEmpty

embeded within another div class: . row-fluid

However when I use them in the templates custom css override. they are not being called up. Is there another place I should be putting these css overrides for forms or can I even use these div classes ?


So, you have taken the custom_css_example.php and followed the instructions therein?

P.S. I am about to create a change to change fb_el_placeholder to placeholder_groupid (in case you use the same element name in more than one group) so you might want to hold off making your code changes or to include both class names in your CSS.

As to exactly what CSS you need, it depends on precisely what HTML you want to style and how you want to style it. But in principle you should take custom_css_example.php and copy it to custom_css.php and insert something a bit like the following in the section at the bottom:

.fb_el_nifpz_mainregtable___parent_user_id label,
.nifpz_mainregtable___parent_user_id_15 label {
font-size: 12px;

Obviously this is just changing the font size for the label, and you probably want to do different styling to this, but I hope this helps. The wiki entry on styling might also help.
Thank you for the heads up on the upcoming change! No. I didn't do it via the custom_css.php. I've usually been able to get away with placing it in the template css override.

However, I found the issue lies within our security company and a cache that's created. I am working with them to resolve it and it is working with the template css override again.

Is there any benefit to using the custom_css.php over the .css files in template overrides?


I believe that custom.css is deprecated but still works. The custom_css.php is the new equivalent which provides additional functionality (i.e. handling variable ids or classes).

We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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