How can I avoid displaying duplicate data in joined tables?


Lets consider that you have two tables:

1) company

id name
1 fabrik
2 google

2) staff

id name company_id
1 rob 1
2 hugh 1
3 Sergi 2
4 bob 1
5 jeff 1

and that your company table contains a left join to the staff table. When viewing the table you will see this data:

id name id name company_id
1 fabrik 1 rob 1
1 fabrik 2 hugh 1
1 fabrik 4 bob 1
1 fabrik 5 jeff 1
2 google 3 Sergi 2

Now the issue that you have is that the company name is duplicated for each person in the company, which looks a little confusing

First of all what makes things a little easier is if we group the data by the company's id, to do this:

- edit the table
- select the data tab
- select "id" from the "group by" drop down list
- Save the table

Now your data looks like this:

id name id name company_id
1 fabrik 1 rob 1
1 fabrik 2 hugh 1
1 fabrik 4 bob 1
1 fabrik 5 jeff 1

id name id name company_id
2 google 3 Sergi 2

This is better, as each company is now in its own table, but there is still duplicated company information.
So taking this one step further lets say we want to display our data like this:

Comany: fabrik


Company: google


Now we are going to have to create a custom table template
So copy the current template you are using - (details of how to do this in this FAQ -

for this example I have copied the "default" table template. The part of the code we are interested in is this:

<?php if(count($this->rows) == 0){?>
		<div class="emptyDataMessage"><?php echo $this->emptyDataMessage;;?></div>
	<?php }else{
		foreach($this->rows as $group){?>
		<table class="fabrikTable">
			<?php foreach($this->headings as $heading){?>
				<th><?php echo $heading;?></th>
				<?php }?>
			$c = 0;
			foreach($group as $row){
			<tr class="oddrow<?php echo $c;?>">
			<?php foreach($this->headings as $heading=>$label){
				<td><?php echo($row->$heading);?></td>
				<?php }?>
			<?php $c = 1-$c;
		<tr class="fabrik_calculations">
		foreach($this->calculations as $cal){
			echo "<td>" . $cal->calc ."</td>";
<?php }

the first thing we need to do is find where the grouped table starts (each set of grouped data is contained within its own table). This is here:
foreach($this->rows as $group){
<table class="fabrikTable">

so before the <table> we want to enter the company name. To do this we need to get the first record object in the group:

$firstRecord = $group[0];

we can then access the company name with this:

$companyName = $firstRecord->company___name;

note how "company___name" follows the standard fabrik syntax for accessing elements
So now we have the company name stored in the $companyName variable, we simply want to write it out to the page:

echo "<p>Company:$companyName</p>";

Next we want to write out our table, but only with the user's names, so we can replace all the code between "<table class="fabrikTable">" and "</table>" with this:

			$c = 0;
			foreach($group as $row){
			<tr class="oddrow<?php echo $c;?>">
				<td><?php echo($row->staff___name);?></td>
			<?php $c = 1-$c;

That should be enough to give us the desired layout.

Below is an example of the entire table template file:

<?php /**
 * @package fabrik
 * @version 1.0.4
 * @Copyright (C) Rob Clayburn
 * @license GNU/GPL [url][/url]
/* MOS Intruder Alerts */
defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );

<h1><?php echo $this->table->label;?></h1>
<div><?php echo $this->table->intro;?></div>
<form action="<?php echo $this->table->action;?>" method="post" id="<?php echo $this->formid;?>" name="fabrikTable">
<?php if($this->showAdd){?>
	<span class="pagenav">
		<a href="<?php echo $this->addRecordLink;?>"><?php echo _ADD_RECORD;?></a>
<?php }?>
<?php if($this->showCSV){?>
	<span class="pagenav">
		<a href="<?php echo $this->csvLink;?>"><?php echo _EXPORT_TO_CSV;?></a>
<?php }?> 
<?php if($this->showRSS){?>
	<span class="pagenav">
		<a href="<?php echo $this->rsslink;?>"><?php echo _SUBSCRIBE_RSS;?></a>
<?php }?>
<?php if($this->showFilters){?>
<table class="filtertable">
		<th colspan="2" style="text-align:left"><?php echo _SEARCH;?>:</th>
	<?php foreach($this->filters as $filter){?>
		<td><?php echo $filter->label;?></td>
		<td style="text-align:right;"><?php echo $filter->element;?></td>
	<?php } ?>
	<?php if($this->filter_action != 'onchange') {?>
		<td colspan="2" style="text-align:right;">
		<input type="button" class="button" value="<?php echo _GO;?>" name="filter" />
	<?php }?>
	<?php }?> <br style="clear:both;" />
<br />
	<?php if(count($this->rows) == 0){?>
		<div class="emptyDataMessage"><?php echo $this->emptyDataMessage;;?></div>
	<?php }else{
		$firstRecord = $group[0];
		$companyName = $firstRecord->company___name;
		echo "<p>Company:$companyName</p>";
		foreach($this->rows as $group){?>
		<table class="fabrikTable">
			$c = 0;
			foreach($group as $row){
			<tr class="oddrow<?php echo $c;?>">
				<td><?php echo($row->staff___name);?></td>
			<?php $c = 1-$c;
<?php }
if( $this->canDelete ){?>
<label><input type="checkbox" id="table_<?php echo $this->table->id;?>_checkAll" /><?php echo _CHECK_ALL;?></label>
<?php echo $this->nav;
echo $this->deleteButton;
I'm getting an error using the template above.

Unexpected $end. It has to be a {} or an ; issue and I think it's here.

<?php }else{
$firstRecord = $group[0];
$companyName = $firstRecord->company___name;
echo "<p>Company:$companyName</p>";
foreach($this->rows as $group);{?>
<table class="fabrikTable">
$c = 0;
foreach($group as $row){
<tr class="oddrow<?php echo $c;?>">
<td><?php echo($row->staff___name);?></td>
<?php $c = 1-$c;

But I'll be darned if I can clear it up.

Any ideas?

SOLVED - fix is in red above

Now getting : Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() on this line

foreach($group as $row){

when a search comes back 'empty'
You might add a 'if (is_array($group)) {}' around that whole table print.

Or turn PHP warnings off :)

-- hugh
Ha... Yep that would work.

Can't seem to get the $company line to work either.

Have to look at it later something must be off as the $row line displays any element I enter but I can't get anything to show above the $group as row statement.
Yeah, it would just need tweaking into the slightly different 2.0 template format.

Btw, is this the same format you asked about in the commercial services forum? I got the impression there that you just wnated to ignore the joined data, just print the main table data once.

-- hugh
Joomla 1.5.3

I just tried this out and it was a little different to what I was looking for.

Here is my problem.

I have a project table (jos_fabrik_formdata_4) and a task table (jos_fabrik_formdata_7} that are let joined to allow me to add tasks to a project.

they are attached via a "project_id" in the task table (jos_fabrik_formdata_7)

Every time i add a new task the table that I use to display all of my projects puts in an extra duplicate line.
Right, so as per that other thread, you want a template that doesn't show any of the linked task data, just the single row from the project table.

-- hugh
Yes, all I want is the project table to have one line for each project instead of a line times every task that the project has been joined to.. :O)

With the changes below to the table's template.php code I was able to remove all duplicates from the table:

$c = 0;
$LastContactNumber = "";
foreach($group as $row){ $ContactNumber = $row->Client_Directory___number; if ($ContactNumber!= $LastContactNumber) {?>
<tr class="oddrow<?php echo $c % 2;?>">
<?php foreach($this->headings as $heading=>$label){ ?>
<td><?php echo($row->$heading); ?></td>
<?php }?>

<?php $c++;
}; }

ClientDirectory___number is the key field in my table.
I use $ContactNumber and $LastContactNumber to verify if the record to be displayed has the same contact number. If the same, then it is skiped.

Hope this helps,
I cannot get this to work:
$companyName = $firstRecord->company___name;

$companyName is always an empty string for me. Any idea?
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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