How close a form - popup window after submit ?

I copy this:


to my template.

I open a popup window with this link:

<a href="/joomla/index.php?option=com_fabrik&view=form&formid=37&iframe=1&tmpl=component&layout=mybluetemplate&Itemid=324&lang=it?rowid=&aaa_fatture_26_repeat___parent_id[value]= JRequest::getVar('rowid'); class="myFabWin" rel="{'content':'test','height':500,'width':600, 'title':'Gestione semplice','loadMethod':'iframe', 'onContentLoaded': null, 'onsubmit': 'history.back()'}">Choose product</a>

How can I close this popup after the form is submited ?
Sorry for bother you. I have solved.

I have replaced standard save-button with:

<input class="button save btn" name="submit" onclick="history.go(-1);" type="submit" value="Save" />
How did you replaced the standard fabrik submit buttom?

Try with "history.go(0)".

In my case i have copied "bluesky" directory and i rename it as "mybluetemplate_popup" creating a new template with the same name.
Then i replace this part in default.php:

<?php if ($this->hasActions) {?>
<div class="fabrikActions"><?php echo $form->resetButton;?> <?php echo $form->submitButton;?>
<?php echo $form->prevButton?> <?php echo $form->nextButton?>
<?php echo $form->applyButton;?>
<?php echo $form->copyButton . " " . $form->gobackButton . ' ' . $form->deleteButton . ' ' . $this->message ?>

with this:

<div class="fabrikActions">
<?php echo $form->resetButton;?>
<input class="button btn" name="submit" onclick="history.go(0);" type="submit" value="Save" />
<input class="button btn" type="button" value="Exit" onclick="history.go(0);" name="Goback" />
<?php echo $form->nextButton?>
<?php echo $form->prevButton?>
<?php echo $form->applyButton;?>
<?php echo $form->copyButton . " " . ' ' . $form->deleteButton . ' ' . $this->message ?>

and it's working ^^
ok i did it in form template... but with onclick="history.go(-1);" it goes back to home not to the site under the popup. Is there any solution?

sorry for spamming onclick="window.setTimeout('window.parent.location.reload();',1000);" this works like I need it!