how to Creating a form template with single elements


I'm trying to create a form with some elements on 2 lines, and some on a line.
I read this page,
but the information is insufficient:

what do I insert instead of dots?
<div class="control-group <?php echo $element->containerClass; ?>" >
what should I correct or delete from the file?

I proceeded to copy and rename the bootstrap folder, and I set the new template in the form

in the forum there is a lot of information, but for fabrik versions prior to 3.1

there were also attachments with examples of files
Unfortunately they have been eliminated.
Is it possible that there is not a shred of example?

Thanks to those who want to help me with a practical example:
the name of my form/group is "booking"
Try to make your things with Fabrik if you can.
I prefer you to separate your elements in multiple groups.
Then set each of them like you want: with 1 column, with 2 columns, ... with/without labels ....
You can't create group in group.
You must create another groups in your form and put items(elements) in groups.
Fabrik templates crawls each group from form and show the elements of it.
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