How to strip out MS Word formatting chars from field input


We are having issues with some visitors who seem to be triggering a Securitycheck Pro firewall on one of our sites using Fabrik forms.
I'm wondering if there is a way to have Fabrik strip out any MS Word formatting characters out of text copied from a Word doc and pasted into Fabrik form fields?


One alternative would be to have our firewall ignore Fabrik submissions, but that makes no sense to me.

JCE editor has built in options for that. It's the best WYSIWYG editor anyway, so why not to use it.
Thanks JUUser -- I'm not allowing wysiwyg editing on these form fields. But I'd think Fabrik might have filtering built in, eh, Hugh/Robbie? What say you?
You can set HTML stripping per user group in Joomla's Global config "Text filtering".

I'm not sure about Joomla's default settings, I have sites with Public and Registered = NOHTML, but Guest has "Default Blacklist" (which doesn't make sense).
So check and set Guest to NOHTML, too.

But I don't know at which point your firewall will come in, before or after the filtering.
I'm pretty sure Fabrik does not have that kind of filtering built in. Anyone correct me if I'm wrong.

One more option is to use PHP element plugin with replace option and regex function in the code.
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